

Case study with Richard Voyce, Digital Director at The Conran Shop.

Richard is responsible for the eCommerce site at The Conran Shop, looking after everything from IT to strategy 供应商管理:


“这是我们取得的最大成功 先进商务 is the time we’ve been able to save as a small 团队. We are an extremely lean 团队, who at the same time, run a large 网站."



“当我们开始研究 search, merchandising and recommendations suppliers, it’s very apparent that a lot of the tech is outdated, even if it might look dressed up to 看起来圆滑而时髦. This is why I was impressed with Advanced 商务部提供. 它是从头开始建造的 with modern 牢记原则.”

“We previously had 3 separate systems in place, one search provider, a recommendations provider and Magento’s merchandising functionality- which involved a lot of manual sorting of 我们的产品页面. As these tools didn’t align well together, we found customers were getting an inconsistent experience across our site and it 作为一个团队,我们很难管理吗.  

我们真的想要始终如一地创造 good experiences for our customers across a significant amount of 类别. One of the main problems with having to manually sort our product listings is that we only had 2 merchandisers in house, so this 这是否耗费了大量的时间和资源.

当我们开始研究搜索时, merchandising and recommendations suppliers, it’s very apparent that a lot of the tech is outdated, even if it might look dressed up to appear 光滑和现代. There are even some suppliers that acquire other tech companies, bolt it onto their offering and call it their own- but when you look under the hood and see what’s really going on, it’s apparent that it’s going to be a painful experience to manage as a merchandiser.

这就是我印象深刻的原因 Advanced Commerce提供的服务. 它是从头开始建造的 牢记现代原则. 我们看到我们可以解决我们的问题 先进商务.”

Why The Conran Shop chose Advanced Commerce:

“Advanced Commerce was recommended to me by someone in my network who had worked with your CEO, André, before. After initial talks, what really drove me towards Advanced Commerce was that André has such a refreshing attitude and is quite different to 这个行业的其他ceo. He’s genuinely a really nice guy, easy to 工作和非常直接. 我觉得这让人耳目一新 change and wanted to work with someone like that. 这才是真正的 卖给我.”



“我们正在使用这个工具 moment for our search, merchandising and recommendations across the 网站. What’s really interesting about the tool is that it has the capability to get into the finer details- I don’t think we’ve even gotten close to maxing out the full ROI potential Advanced Commerce 给我们,这真的很棒!"


"在专业方面 Services, we’ve been using the expertise of Katie, who has great industry experience as she’s from a merchandiser background. 她已经 able to help bring the 团队 up to speed with the 平台’s capabilities while also educating us on merchandising best practices. 她最近 helped us to build out a practical roadmap that prioritises tasks for us to work through and supports us in achieving these objectives.  

It’s been great that your 团队 hasn’t just sold us a tool - You’ve set our merchandising 团队 up for the future by teaching us best practice tips that we can use independently.”



“From a success point of view, the biggest one for me would be the time we’ve been able to save as a small 团队. We are an extremely lean 团队, who at the same time, run a large 网站 (which runs like a department store with many products to match.) Although we have a small 团队, we wanted our customers to have consistently good experiences across our site. 随着商业的发展, one of our biggest wins has been being able to utilise the power of the 平台. It gives us the assurance that the rules we’ve built are applied throughout our site and we no longer have to visually spot 错误——它已经为我们完成了.  

We’ve recently changed our business model significantly, and therefore, our strategy is going in a different 现在的方向. One of the future wins I’m looking forward to is expanding our 网站 to additional country locations. 我们将能够 to replicate our rules across different countries but overlay them with specific country-based rules and fine tune them as needed.”

