
As a small business owner, it can sometimes feel like you need eight arms to get everything done.

即使你和一个团队一起扩大规模, manual processes often stay the same because it’s ‘how you’ve always done things.’

But as SMEs know, time is a precious commodity.

And thanks to innovation it is now possible to transform your business processes, 更有效地利用时间.

根据SAP委托进行的一项研究, 欧洲最大的软件公司, two-thirds of UK SMEs are now using technology to improve their business and keep up with digital transformation.

As with the help of Robotic Process Automations (RPA), it is possible to simplify manual tasks and put your team’s time to better use.


Nope, RPA can be implemented in all types (and size) of business and be just as effective.

马丁Keelagher, 首席执行官, 敏捷自动化, explains: “There is a common misconception that RPA is only useful for big businesses because it is often used by corporates.

“People assume that you need to have the volume to make it pay, but that is not the case.”

RPA can be just as useful to smaller enterprises and will benefit many sectors.

Take, for example, a property company with a 100-person headcount.

会有一个财务团队, 负责成千上万的租户, whose job it is to trawl through rental payments once a month to make sure they match up.

This monotonous task takes time and is open to human error.

然而, by using a bot you could create a bank reconciliation tool which will automatically cross-reference payments and flag up any anomalies.

It’s easy to use, quick and the cost-saving potential is huge.

And if you do this through Agile Automations it will also be bespoke to you.

As Martin explains: “SMEs who want to maintain a competitive advantage need to integrate these innovations into their existing technology infrastructure to take full advantage of the digital economy and compete with larger businesses.


With so many areas competing for your attention, you may well ask ‘why this and why now’?

We understand it’s been a hard year for businesses, 特别是中小企业, as many continue to contend with the fallout from the pandemic.

你是否不得不让员工休假, 缩小, or put growth plans on hold streamlining your business processes, 通过战, 能帮你重回正轨吗.

And the good news is that it works across many different sectors.

It could be migrating data between CRM systems for a law firm, tracking competitor activity on social media for a marketing start-up or automating communications for a challenger bank.

It’s not the sector that matters it’s the task. And as long as it involves pushing or pulling data it can be automated.

Martin explains: “Bots don’t care whether you work in marketing or finance, whether you’re an SME or a big corporate firm – all they see is data.” 


记住这一点, RPA is often hailed as part of the ‘digital transformation’ piece which is so vital for SMEs.

It may feel like a buzz word but if done successfully, the process will make life easier for you and your customers.

RPA is one of the most efficient ways to transform your business, speeding up the manual processes which are holding you back.

And SMEs are taking this up faster than you might think.

雷·博格斯, 副总统, 中小企业研究, 国际数据公司(IDC), believes that it’s noteworthy that both small and mid-size businesses in the UK lead in the implementation of new technologies.

“This will help achieve their business goals, especially when compared to other markets in EMEA.”

Still unsure where RPA can make a difference in your business? 没关系,让我们给你看.

Briefly describe any manual process involving 这里的数据, along with a contact number, and we will scope out the project for free.   

