
Maximising the January Gym Boom: How to Market Your Health/Fitness Brand

Leaving behind bad habits, many are now focused on becoming fitter and healthier in the new year.

你是否卖运动服, 拥有一个健身房, or offer online coaching services, here’s how to maximise the January gym boom and turn resolutions into revenue…

提供折扣 & 独家包

Let’s face it - January is a tough month financially. If you’re expecting people to pay full price for memberships or products, 他们可能会去别的地方. Now is the time to offer crazy discounts, and exclusive packages that they normally wouldn’t get throughout the year. 


If you aren’t already working with creators, then you may need to rethink your content strategy. 身体健康 & 健身行业, you’ll most likely have an audience who are looking for relatable people, and content that resonates with their struggles or goals. 

If we look at the athleisure brand Aybl, their success on TikTok is due to the creators they work with. 特色健身教程, 这个视频, 一般的健身技巧, their creator content is an essential part of the brand’s TikTok strategy. 

Utilise TikTok to 分享 Scroll-stopping & 用内容

The health and 健身行业 is making a HUGE mark on TikTok at the moment. 从 @emthenutritionist to @scaseyfitness, more and more users are showing interest in videos featuring nutritional meals, 锻炼技巧和健康习惯. 


To make a long story short, you need to catch the attention of this growing audience. Make your content interesting, entertaining, and 总是, start with a strong opening hook.


  • If you’re struggling to reach your fitness goals, this video is for you
  • If you feel lost in the gym, this is for you
  • The secret to gaining confidence in the gym? 看这个
  • Feeling overwhelmed with diet culture? 看这个
  • Warning to all runners, this product is a game-changer

Speak Directly to Your Exact Target Audience

When we say get to know your target audience, we don’t mean “gym goers” or “people looking to become healthier”.  

To truly “speak” to your audience, you must offer a solution to their problems. 例如, 如果你卖蛋白质饮料, you could start a Reel or TikTok video with “If you’re still failing to hit your protein goal, 你需要看看这个视频.” Social media users will 总是 be swayed by something which offers a solution to their problems. 


Did you know that 80% of New Year's resolutions are abandoned by February? If you want to retain your January customers, we highly recommend extending your introductory offers for another month. 以下是一些建议:

Gymwear品牌: Offer a 20% discount during the first few days of February.

补充品牌: Offer an extra discount if they join a rolling subscription.

健身房业主: Give January customers the chance to come back for the same price in February

在线教练: Offer discounts to clients who come back in February. You could also throw in a few freebies. 例如, create up a “well-done” goodie bag if they continue to work with you after January.

保健食品/饮料品牌: Offer freebies when they make an order throughout February.

Moving on from New Year’s resolutions, it’s important to note that the current health and fitness boom is no longer just a month-long fling. If you’re anything like us and have been following TikTok trends for the past year, you’ll know that the entire ‘wellness’ industry is certainly on the rise. 的原因? 好吧, it’s pretty much a blend of product consumption and social media trends such as “那个女孩”.

从 Apple Watches to Stanley Cups, there 总是 seems to be a viral wellness product taking over the internet. 


好吧, 与健康, 健身和戒酒的人越来越多, there has never been a better time to reach a wider audience for your brand. 根据 Statista, the global 健身行业 is set to grow at least another $35 billion by 2028. 哦,还有健康产业? 预计将达到 $8.5万亿年 在未来五年内. 

