
我们明白了. Selling to Gen Z is, well, different. It focuses less on “BUY THIS” 和 more on “We do this”.

What Do Gen Z Consumers Like to See?

根据… 调查, Gen Z’ers have grown up in the era of “fake news”. This means that they are most interested in br和s that are transparent 和 authentic. The 调查 also found that Gen Z consumers value meaningful relationships, with 46% of 19-to-21-year-olds claiming that they have “a strong connection or loyalty” to a br和. 

As experts in the industry, we’ve rounded up some top-notch strategies on how to successfully sell to this strong-minded, 精通科技的代. Keep scrolling to reveal our top tips!


Having strong values is now one of the best ways to build br和 affinity, 吸引顾客, 和 st和 out from the competition. Whether you follow sustainable practices, 支持慈善机构, or sell vegan-friendly products, your audience should know ALL about it. 提高意识, we recommend adding this information to your website, 社交媒体页面, 付费广告, 和, 当然, 在你的包装内.

是透明的 & 真实的

Br和 transparency is all about being honest & authentic when it comes to your products/services, pricing, values, 和 your business as a whole. It gives customers an insight into what your company is all about, ultimately building trust 和 loyalty. 

In a digital trends article, 谷歌 mentioned br和 transparency as a critical competitive differentiator. To back this claim, the article provided an example that in France, one in six people use Yuka, a barcode scanning app that provides the health benefits of food, beauty & 健康的产品.

Create a Relatable Br和 Personality

If you want to impress a Gen Z audience, you’re going to have to humanise your br和. Today’s young consumers don’t just want to buy from a business that they trust but also one that they can relate to. 这可以通过以下方式实现:

  • Showing behind-the-scenes content
  • Jumping on trends that align with your audience
  • Talking about your personal/br和 journey
  • Maintaining a witty tone of voice
  • Engaging with comments, customer posts 和 Tweets etc.

Build Meaningful Relationships

Now that you’ve impressed your audience. It’s time to start building meaningful relationships. You can nurture your customers by:

  • Offering them exclusive discounts
  • 转发他们的帖子
  • Maintaining strong communication via email & 社交媒体
  • Asking for their feedback
  • 提供生日礼物
  • Giving them early access to new products 


What better way to demonstrate authenticity than by using real photos of REAL customers? 作为一个专注于z世代的品牌, it’s super important that you take advantage of the content shared on TikTok & Instagram. This won’t just help you to build trust, but it will also encourage customers to tag you in their photos/videos, increasing br和 awareness 和 potential sales.

保持内容简短 & 时髦的

It’s no secret that Gen Zs have a super short attention span. 

Reading a 1000-word blog post? 绝对不是. 

Watching a 10-minute tutorial? 没有办法! 

How about a 30-second TikTok? 现在我们来谈谈!

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should 只有 post 30-second TikTok videos. But we definitely recommend creating content that’s captivating 和 easy to digest. Long paragraphs displayed in small, complicated fonts will certainly bore Gen Z users. Not to mention the fact that it will literally waste your time. Instead, start with a catchy hook, followed by short, readable sentences.

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