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MD Culture Club: First Internet

十大正规博彩网站评级我们最新一期MD文化俱乐部的是数字营销机构First Internet. 

我们采访了他们的三位团队成员,以了解在First Internet工作是什么样的! 

The talent lead...
Juliane Speight, Co-owner and Marketing Director


First Internet是一家屡获殊荣的全方位服务数字营销机构,总部位于奥尔特林厄姆的黑尔. We are a team of 18, services include website design and development, UX design, SEO, social media management and content marketing. Clients are really varied and while some are local, others are based on the other side of the world, so it’s a truly global business, but with a really close, community feel. 我们为Peak ai, Citation, Sew Direct和PZ Cussons工作,仅举几例.


招聘有时很棘手,因为我们在全国范围内竞争, sometimes global basis for the best candidates, 但我们认为,我们真正提供的是一种杰出的文化,以及优秀的客户. 身心健康是至关重要的:在数字化环境中工作意味着要坐下来,这样我们就有规律的外出时间, socials, 内部和外部奖励,以表彰出色的工作,以及如果人们愿意,可以在家工作的充足时间. 我们非常重视培训:我们会询问新员工他们具体想要什么,我们对进步和期望持开放态度. 每个人都是独一无二的,我们认识到招聘是一个双向的过程,所以我们让很多团队成员分享他们自己的经验,并就他们认为需要添加到更广泛的团队中的技能提供反馈.  There ae also plenty of team treats, including Friday breakfast, weekly fruit delivery, Friday drinks and the odd office dog! 


More growth, we hope! Since I bought the company with my two fellow directors, 我们继承了它的传统(它成立于20多年前), the same year as Google), but we’ve moved it into a new era, 一个真正拥抱人民和他们的技能和个性的地方, 在持续关注更广泛事态发展的同时:我们必须这样做, as digital and tech are moving at such a fast pace. Quality content is vital, 作为最高水平的知识和专业知识,我们一直在寻找方法来改进和建议我们的客户. We’ll continue to develop the best possible work, 与全球品牌和本土人才合作:正是这种丰富的组合让它如此有趣.

The new starter...
Tom Kellock, Developer

Can you describe your role at the company?

As a member of the developer team, 我的角色主要涉及UX审计和完整的站点构建等项目. On top of that, 有持续的支持,以确保我们的客户网站是最新的,并在他们的最佳表现. I also provide support to my colleagues, 另外,我一直在改进我们的方法,确保我们在比赛中保持领先地位.


首先,互联网给我留下了深刻的印象,因为它是一家屡获殊荣的企业,它的工作既有趣又聪明. 他们有一些大客户,而且这个名单还在不断增长. As well as that, 他们提供了一个出色的工作环境和许多很棒的福利, such as breakfast or beers on a Friday. The commute for me is great too!

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

My onboarding here went swimmingly. 在我第一天上班的时候,一切都准备好了,所有必要的培训都马上提供了, meaning it didn’t take me long before I was getting stuck in. 团队非常热情,让我立刻觉得自己是FI大家庭的重要成员.

The long-term employee...
Daniel Cole, Lead Web Developer

Can you describe your role at the company?

我负责网站开发项目从头到尾的管理, as well as any ongoing client retainers. I liaise with the in-house design, 开发和SEO团队确保新网站为我们客户的数字增长奠定坚实的基础. 

You’ve been at the company for a number of years, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?

庞大的客户基础——我有机会与来自不同行业的广泛客户合作, which keeps the job exciting, 因为每个项目都是不同的,我觉得每次都能学到新的东西. 这也意味着工作量是不同的:没有哪两天是相同的. One day I may be writing a client proposal, the next reviewing designs and the next populating a site. 但归根结底,这是一种文化——这是一种非常善于交际的文化, fun, kind company with away days, nights out, Friday breakfast delivered to the office, 周五下午的小酌和一种真诚的感觉,我们都在互相照顾. It’s a genuine pleasure to come to work, 这是非常重要的,我认为我们做得这么好的原因之一:我们的目标是给彼此留下深刻印象,也给我们的客户和他们的客户留下深刻印象!


They'll feel supported by their colleagues, regardless of experience, as we all try to help each other grow and develop. There will be the opportunity to cross-train i.e. 客户服务可以参与SEO活动,以不断增长和发展. 他们会立刻感受到First Internet的欢迎,我们的团队非常亲密. 

Find out more about First Internet here.

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