
The Cost of App Development: The 3 Things You Need to Know

Cost of Developing | Foresight Mobile


在过去的10年里,英国(以及更广阔的世界)看到了移动设备用户数量的显著增长, the number of apps used and the revenue they generate. You can read some key findings from Business of Apps 在这里.

As with any investment though, that ROI will depend on your outlay, and that outlay will depend on several factors.

在本文中,我们将着眼于在你开始应用开发之旅之前需要考虑的重要元素. Considerations including the scope of your app, 交付速度和路线图的清晰度都会对开发成本产生影响.

Let’s get into some detail…

1) Pre-Discovery

This may sound obvious, but before you engage with a developer you’ll really need to think through the why, 什么, 当, who and how in relation to your software product.

More specifically:

  • 为什么 are you investing in an app?
  • 什么 do you 想要 the app to achieve?
  • do you 想要 it delivered?
  • is the app aimed at?
  • 如何 is it going to help your business / organisation?



So, 什么 has this got to do with app development cost? Any consultation with an app developer is likely to incur a charge, particularly if you’re a profit-making organisation, although some developers may offer an initial free consultation.

对上述问题有尽可能多的答案将有助于简化初始阶段, allowing you to give the developer a clear idea of w在这里 you 想要 to get to.

Having everyone on the same page from the outset will help you to save time, and t在这里fore money in the long-run.



下一个阶段是真正深入研究应用功能的机会, including aspects such as User Experience (UX), the platform it’s built on, the amount of testing needed and the amount of bespoke programming required.

开发者会问你一些问题,让你深入了解应用的细节. All of the following will be up for discussion at this stage, and all will have an impact on the cost. Here’s 6 impacts on the cost

  1. 〇应用程序类型 the type of app you need or 想要 can vary. Some provide simple information with limited interaction and functionality. At the more expensive end of the scale are e-commerce apps which can process payments, link to user accounts and provide bespoke offers.
  2. UI / ux - If you 想要 your app to be user-friendly, the User Interface / User Experience strategy will form a key part of the development. Due to the nature of this process which involves user testing and feedback, 这里可能会产生巨大的成本—特别是如果您需要进行几轮测试和改进. 然而,在这一点上投入的时间和金钱将帮助你创造出一款用户满意的应用 想要 to use – which in itself is highly valuable.
  3. 平台 Whether developing an app for iOS, 安卓或两者都有, the platform it’s built on will definitely affect the cost. 您的开发人员将能够根据您的需求提供最佳解决方案的指导.
  4. Speed of delivery – If you 想要 something done fast, and to a high standard, it’s going to be require staff to support it. 应用开发的紧迫性将影响开发和测试所需团队的规模, 哪一个最终会直接转化为你的业务/组织的更高成本.
  5. Security and compliance – This will be largely influenced by the type of app you are developing, 但是,如果您正在处理客户数据,那么在安全性和合规性方面,您将需要专家的建议,以确保您不会陷入进一步的法律麻烦.
  6. Complexity and scalability – 你的应用所需要的独特功能的数量将需要更高程度的技能和更多的时间. 另一个考虑是未来——如果你相信你的业务和应用程序将显著增长,可扩展性的范围将是重要的.

3) Engage with your Developer

If you’ve ever had building work done on a property, you’re probably familiar with costs increasing as the job continues. This is usually due to unforeseen circumstances, problems that need to be remedied or due to a change in the scope of the work.

Whilst the former elements can be a factor in app development, 如果你在发现过程中与开发者充分考虑并讨论了你的工作范围,那么后者就不应该成为问题.




To go back to the building metaphor, 你不会打电话给建筑商,在没有见过他们并向他们展示你的房产的情况下要求延期报价!


当你考虑到本文中讨论的所有元素时,应用开发的成本可能会有很大的不同. 最好在完成预发现阶段后立即与专家交谈,以充分了解成本影响, timescale and agreed scope of work.

We can help you to get your app into the hands of users. Speak to us today to book your free consultation.

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