
GFT leverages 谷歌云 to simplify AI deployments at scale in manufacturing, 减少对数据科学专家的依赖

2022年5月5日,纽约 – Recruiting data scientists is one of the greatest challenges in the current labour market: analysts say that there was a 全球缺少25万名数据科学家 即使在2020年. 从那时起,情况只会恶化. 

AI solutions have the potential to significantly 提高制造业生产率. Usually, skilled data scientists are key for AI projects to be successful. 谷歌云 has now introduced new purpose-built solutions that can be used by manufacturing engineers without requiring the help of specialised data scientists or additional integration code in order to scale digital 转换 pilots into production. 这将 促进数码转型 在制造业领域的努力. 作为谷歌云全球合作伙伴, GFT已经过测试和实施 这些解决方案 前10名 汽车和制造业领导者.

“These solutions will democratise access to data on the manufacturing floor. They will generate more competitiveness for industries, and manufacturing engineers will gain the opportunity to acquire AI-based skill sets,马可·桑托斯说。, GFT美国和拉丁美洲总裁. “Our first-hand experience tells us manufacturers can expect a major boost in their manufacturing floor.” 

“Transforming factory-floor operations with data and analytics is hugely important to manufacturers today,查理·谢里丹说, 技术总监, 行业解决方案, 制造业, 谷歌云. “We’re thrilled to work with partners like GFT to extend the outreach of our core technology and provide customers with the foundational technologies needed to solve business challenges and scale smart factory implementations.”

 The new 谷歌云 solutions supported by GFT include:

  • 制造数据引擎 端到端解决方案是否处理, 放到, and stores factory data on 谷歌云’s market-leading data platform. It provides a configurable and customizable blueprint for the ingestion, 转换, 存储, 以及访问工厂数据的权限. 它集成了关键的谷歌云产品, 包括云数据流, PubSub, BigQuery, 云存储, 美人, 顶点的人工智能, Apigee, 和更多的, 为特定的制造解决方案. 
  • 制造连接 is a factory edge platform co-developed with Litmus Automation that quickly connects to, 并从, nearly any manufacturing asset and industrial system to 谷歌云, based on an extensive library of more than 250 machine protocols. Deep integration with the 制造数据引擎 unlocks rapid data intake into 谷歌云 for processing machine and sensor data. The ability to deploy containerised applications and ML models to the edge enables new dimensions of use cases.

The exposed data can be further applied to a growing set of industry-specific use cases, such as:

  • 生产分析 & 的见解, which helps manufacturers quickly create custom dashboards to visualise key data—from factory kpi such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), 对单个机器的传感器数据. Integrated with the 制造数据引擎, engineers and plant managers can automatically set up new machines and factories, 启用标准化仪表板, kpi, and on-demand drill-downs into the data to uncover new 的见解 opportunities throughout the factory. These can then be shared easily across the enterprise and with partners.
  • 机器级异常检测, which helps manufacturers identify anomalies as they occur and provides alerts—leveraging 谷歌云’s Time Series Insights API—on real-time machine and sensor data such as noise, 振动, 或温度.
  • 预见性维护, which enables manufacturers to anticipate an asset’s need for service, 帮助减少停机时间和维护成本. Manufacturers can leverage ML models and high-accuracy AI optimizations that are deployable in weeks. 

谷歌的新解决方案, 收集数据是可能的, 正常化,, 分析它, then use it for strategic decisions providing factory-floor engineers with the tools to be self-sufficient. This is also an opportunity to introduce more engineers to AI-based engineering.

GFT has been collaborating with 谷歌云 for many years and won the prestigious ‘谷歌云 2019 EMEA Breakthrough Partner of the Year’ 奖. 今天, the company has 340+ experienced engineers and architects, 200+ certifications and 94 current engagements with 谷歌云 all over the world.

To learn more about 谷歌云’s new manufacturing solutions, please visit this 页面 or join for panel discussions at 谷歌云’s Manufacturer Spotlight event.

