
Modernising build and release process: CI/CD的到来

在软件开发的世界里, 变化是唯一不变的. 多年来,我们建造,测试和 部署软件已经经历了彻底的转变. 传统的 methods 的软件 development and release are giving way to more 高效和敏捷的方法. 其中一个变革趋势就是 rise of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). In this article, we will explore the evolution 的软件 development practices, the principles behind CI/CD, and the significant impact it 对现代软件工程有什么影响. 


在软件开发的早期, building and deploying software were manual and time-consuming 流程. Developers wrote code independently, tested it on their local machines, and then handed it off to a separate team responsible for 集成和部署. 这种方法经常导致长 development cycles, compatibility issues and a lack of visibility into 整个开发流程. 

敏捷方法论在21世纪初的到来st century marked a significant shift in software development. 敏捷 methodologies emphasised collaboration, frequent iterations and customer 反馈. While 敏捷 brought substantial improvements, it still relied 全球最大的博彩平台构建和部署软件的手动过程. 这些手册 steps introduced the risk of human error and hindered the rapid delivery 的软件. 


持续集成(CI),持续的 delivery (CD) and continuous deployment (CD) emerged as a response to 传统开发实践的缺点. CI/CD是一组 principles and practices that automate and streamline the software 发展管道. 让我们分解CI和CD的关键组件: 

Picture – A high level view of CI/CD process in a nutshell


频繁的代码集成: Developers integrate their code changes into a shared repository multiple times a day. 

自动化测试Automated tests are run after each code integration to detect and report issues early on. 

即时反馈Developers receive immediate 反馈 on the quality of their code, 允许他们及时解决问题. 

版本控制: Code changes are tracked using version control systems like Git, 支持轻松的协作和回滚. 


生成并标记工件During this phase, an artefact is generated and a proper tag is generated. 

发布人工制品: 在这个阶段, an artefact is published into an artefact repository so that it can be consumed at later stages. 


自动部署Code changes that pass CI tests are automatically deployed to production or 暂存的环境. 请注意,在大型组织中,仍然存在 manual step involved in pressing the button for final deployment – this is because deployment requires a manual sign off in most cases. 

释放管道: Define a series of automated steps for code to move from development to production. 

监控和反馈Continuous monitoring of applications in production provides real-time 反馈 on performance and issues. 

回滚和蓝绿色部署Easy rollback mechanisms and blue-green deployments ensure 在出现问题时尽量减少干扰. 


The adoption of CI/CD has brought several key advantages to modern software development:

更快的交货: CI/CD reduces manual intervention, allowing for rapid and automated 软件交付. 新功能和bug修复可以快速部署, 赋予企业竞争优势.

更高质量的: 自动化测试 and immediate 反馈 help catch bugs early in the development process, resulting in higher software quality.

风险降低: CI/CD’s automated 流程 and version control reduce the risk of 部署中的人为错误. 回滚和蓝绿色部署确保了这一点 在出现问题时尽量减少干扰.

增加合作: 开发人员在共享环境中工作, 促进协作和代码审查, 导致更好的代码质量.

提高透明度: The entire 发展管道 is visible, providing insights into the status of each code change and fostering a culture of accountability.

持续改进: Regular 反馈 and monitoring in production environments enable continuous improvement 的软件 quality and performance.

可伸缩性: CI/CD pipelines can be easily scaled to handle larger and more complex projects.


While CI/CD offers many benefits, its adoption is not without challenges:

文化的变迁: Transitioning to CI/CD often requires a cultural shift in an organisation, with an emphasis on collaboration, automation and shared 责任. 

资源投资: Setting up and maintaining CI/CD pipelines requires time and resources.

安全: 安全 must be integrated into CI/CD 流程 to ensure that vulnerabilities are not introduced during development and deployment.

遗留系统: Adapting CI/CD for legacy systems can be challenging, but it is possible with careful planning. 


CI/CD的兴起带来了革命性的变化 software development, making it faster, more reliable and more 非常高效。. It aligns with the principles of 敏捷 and DevOps, emphasing 协作、自动化和持续改进. 而采用 CI/CD may require overcoming challenges and cultural changes, the benefits in terms of speed, quality and innovation are well worth the 努力. As software development continues to evolve, CI/CD remains a key 塑造行业未来的驱动力. 

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