


Implementing an Agile delivery approach is an exciting and daunting time. 对于那些处于成长阶段的组织来说更是如此.

第一步是获得整个团队的支持. It's critical everybody understands the reasons for the changes. 敏捷很少有第二次机会. New ways of working are either embraced, or quickly seen as a failure and put in the experiments bin.

Your business can't afford the transformation to cause serious delays or project failures. Getting from where you are now to a better place needs a plan which is swift and successful. 

关键是团队觉得他们拥有变更. 他们需要坚持下去. It's important to get everybody involved and on the same page.


The option many choose when implementing Agile is to hire a coach. An experienced professional who can plan and guide the changes. 以前做过这一切的人. 一个能够教育和支持的领导者. 允许团队专注于项目的成功.

而这正是一个好的敏捷教练应该做的. 支持敏捷采用. 提高团队绩效. 指导流程改进. 记住,有报酬的工作仍然会发生. 确保项目不会脱轨.

敏捷教练不仅仅是全球最大的博彩平台交付. They have important work to do across all areas of the business. 在业务层面指导成功的敏捷采用. 从CEO或创始人,到每个经理和团队成员.

最好的敏捷教练拥有广泛的能力. 良好的人际交往能力. 深入的敏捷知识. 培养协作环境的能力. 

The right Agile Coach doesn't need to be embedded full-time to put ways of working in place. They'll educate, clarify expectations, and then step away to allow trying things out. 

这种方法应该是循序渐进的,并且是可以实现的. 稳步采用敏捷工作方式.


每个敏捷转换都是不同的. 你的业务是独一无二的. You'll have specific challenges, frustrations, constraints and priorities.


第一步是找出主要的挫折. The steps or activities in your current delivery approach that raise eyebrows.

  •     你目前的交付方式有什么问题? 
  •     What do clients, stakeholders and team members complain about? 
  •     总是引起摩擦或冲突的东西?

These will become some of the markers of transformation success.


Beyond the existing challenges, what would you like to be great at?

  •     质量
  •     透明度
  •     文档
  •     沟通
  •     团队动力

Knowing the key success metrics allows plotting a course towards excellence.


For big organisational shifts, it can be reassuring to occasionally have people in the same room. You may choose to meet a potential coach in person before hiring them. 考虑距离.

(If you're reading this 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 post, you're likely looking for an 全球最大的博彩平台敏捷教练)



转型通常需要更多的前期工作. 首先是重点教育和学习. Then ongoing coaching and reviews to help embed the new approach. 

你能在改变上投入多少时间? 你需要多少时间来维持你的生意?


你已经决定改变是值得的. 你的团队已经接受了这些变化. 是时候寻找合适的人来引导你了.


一个很好的起点就是你的信任圈. 利用你的专业网络. 寻求建议.

Consider whether your needs are the same as those making the referral. You may be in a different sector to them, or a different size. 

Although Agile ways of working have fundamental principles, businesses have broad differences. 你的情况可能并不适合所有的教练.

If you can't find suitable recommendations, it's time to search.


LinkedIn and similar platforms can help you find connections. 可能为你现有的人际网络所知. 

You can ask for trusted opinions of the person before you contact them. Check their posting history, their profile, and get a feel for their personality.

Search engines are also useful if you have geographic needs. Add your town, city or region to a search query to find potential coaches in your area.


Not every Agile Coach will be a good fit for your business. 将每一项与你需要从教练那里得到的进行比较.


你的行业经验重要吗? 或者你的生意规模? You might have a specific need you want to be reassured about.



  •     他们与类似的企业合作过吗?
  •     他们的工作方式和你的一致吗?
  •     Will they fit into your team's culture and align with your values?
  •     收费多少?
  •     他们目前的可用性是否适合该任务?


询问他们如何应对常见的交付挑战. 以及他们在相似环境中的经历.

Learn what the process would look like and how well it matches your teams' needs.


Once you've evaluated potential coaching partners, it's time to make a decision.

By now you'll know their experience, have asked about ways of working and checked availability. If it all lines up, your decision will likely come down to alignment. 也要考虑一下直觉. Both are critical when making decisions about people centred challenges.

You could also ask them to meet the team before making the decision. 在较小的团队中,更广泛的感觉是有价值的额外洞察力.


重要的是不要期望立即发生重大变化. 敏捷教练要考虑的事情很多. 他们需要在行动之前了解你的业务.


Starting with a short-term agreement can help to assess fit and effectiveness. You might base it on a review of your existing delivery approach. You might limit it to the creation of a plan for the transformation. 

Sometimes early sessions with managers, and foundational Agile education can come first.


Reviewing ways of working is critical in Agile, and should be central to your Agile Coach engagement. 建立定期检查. 定义反馈循环. Ensure continuous improvement of the transformation, not only your new Agile approach.

The giving and receiving of feedback are core abilities of an Agile Coach. 积极倾听也是如此. 如果教练回避反馈,那就给你亮起了红灯.


Implementing an Agile delivery approach can be exciting and daunting.

Choosing the right coach ensures you and your team feel supported every step of the way.

This guide will help you define the change you would like to see, 并且更好地理解成功是什么样子的.

Only bring in your chosen Agile Coach once you have some expectations defined. 这表明你已经做了初步的思考. 


Fundamental change means everybody embracing new ways of thinking and working. Your team should be ready to move in the same direction at the same speed.

与教练和你的团队紧密合作. 要有耐心. 庆祝每一小步. 享受你的旅程! 


祝您在业务中实现敏捷顺利. 如果有问题,请随时与我们联系.

28日发表.06.24 by 哈里贝利

