
11 ways to see if your 团队 is high performing: A Litmus test for your 团队


在这篇文章中,我将描述一系列指标,你可以用这些指标来判断你管理的团队是否称职, 或者是…的一部分, “表现优异”. 我将解释我们用来描述“高绩效”团队属性的术语是什么意思, reasons we encourage particular 团队 behaviours, and what we can do to move a 团队 towards becoming ‘high performing’.


What is a 团队, and how are you related to them?

帮助我们快速复习一下 谷歌Re:工作. A 团队 这个词是用来描述一群人聚在一起完成工作吗. 请使用以下定义:

团队 is; “Teams are highly interdependent – they plan work, 解决问题, 做决定, and review progress in service of a specific project. Team members need one another to get work done.”

作为对位,a 工作组 看起来很相似, 但是他们的行为以及他们被授权的方式是不同的;

工作组 is; “Work groups are characterized by the least amount of interdependence. They are based on organizational or managerial hierarchy. Work groups may meet periodically to hear and share information.”

如果你在运行一个 工作组“信号” described in this post may be less apparent.


我套用 Anita Williams:工作报告Amy Edmonson’s TED talk on 心理安全. 一个高绩效的团队拥有高于平均水平的集体智慧. 让我们假设一个人有必要的智力来履行他们在企业中的角色, 假设是合理的, 我意识到大量的环境影响会影响到这一点,他们将能够做到这一点. 

当一群人以团队的形式聚集在一起时,新的动力就开始发挥作用了. 如果团队动态朝着积极的方向发展,那么我们可以看到一些特征出现,包括;

  • Group dynamics enable divergent opinions to be discussed 
  • Skills are shared so that roadblocks are quickly removed
  • 团队成员是可靠的
  • 团队有很高的情商

Why would I want a 团队 to be ‘high performing’

高绩效团队的好处是他们更有可能在项目中取得成功, 他们更有能力管理支点,y will remain within the business for longer,y are able to 解决问题 more effectively/creatively, and they represent the company as a strong positive statement.

High performing 团队s are a joy to work with, and be a part of. As the 谷歌Re:工作 research discovered,y don’t have to be populated with exceptionally gifted individuals, nor do they have a failure rate that is lower than normal. 然而, 他们自我管理, 以更大的一致性交付, have significantly lower staff attrition rates, and have magnetic properties for recruitment.


出于本文的目的,我假设您处于一个能够从外部角度看待团队的位置. 我设想可以做到这一点的角色是:交付经理、项目经理或类似的角色. These roles share an ability to objectively view the 团队, and are not subsumed by the minutiae of daily project delivery.

指标, 或者“气味”是团队内部互动时会表现出的行为, 和外部. 每个指标都可以归结为一个根本原因,然后可以谨慎地加以管理.

  1. 在团队中如何管理反馈?
    1. Do retrospectives produce debate with actionable outcomes, 团队鼓励反馈吗, is it delivered and received without fear?
  2. How does the 团队 generate ideas (in fact, do they generate ideas?)
    1. 是否有一种产生想法的方法, 他们是发达国家吗?, and does the 团队’s culture enable them to openly discuss ideas?
  3. How are ideas accepted and used within the 团队?
    1. Does the 团队 have a culture of open question asking, and are domain experts happy to share their knowledge?
  4. 可靠性 of individuals within the 团队
    1. 团队的每个成员都能够描述项目的位置(从任务的角度)吗?, 以及当前的优先事项是什么?
    2. 团队成员是否对项目中的个别任务有明确的责任?
    3. Are the 团队 members able to describe the tasks they own, and how they integrate into the project as a whole?
  5. 任务的结构和清晰度
    1. 任务的所有权是如何被接收的,是否有一个协商的过程?
    2. Does the project have a clear direction, and are all the 团队 members working to move the project in that direction?
    3. 团队成员是否能够在不被微观管理的情况下自主完成任务?
  6. 工作的意义
    1. Do 团队 members treat each task as an opportunity to learn, mentor, share and transfer knowledge? 或者每个任务只是由具有适当技能和可用性的团队成员完成的工作?
    2. Does the 团队 celebrate individual and collaborative success?
  7. 工作的影响
    1. Does the 团队 consider itself to be continually firefighting?
    2. 团队是否被项目范围和目标压得喘不过气来,以至于他们觉得进展甚微?
    3. 是否有倦怠的症状? (身心疲惫, 玩世不恭与冷漠, feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment)
  8. 面对失败工作
    1. If the 团队 feels safe enough to openly discuss failure, which is a key part of many design methods (E.g. 假设驱动设计), 然后,失败可以作为一种学习方法,而不是惩罚的理由. 
  9. 质量
    1. 团队是否在维护质量? 在许多方面,质量可能会受到损害(定义不清的特征), 编写的代码文档很差, 不一致的代码样式, 等.)任何失败都会导致团队花费“不舒服”的长时间从质量问题中恢复.
  10. 招聘
    1. Growing a high performing 团队 is (almost) an easy task. A 团队 that radiates psychological safety, 信任 and respect will have a magnetic effect within the organisation. 当团队保留率显著提高时,招聘的优先级较低,因为团队是一个很好的地方.
  11. 部署
    1. Are 团队 members 信任ed to deploy their own code? 软件团队固有的敏捷性, 信任, 质量和相互依赖的能力可以从他们如何“发布”代码中看出. 尽管有人认为部署方法是一个环境因素, 不受团队的影响. 

How do we move towards becoming ‘high performing’

A 团队 is affected by a myriad of factors, some of which cannot be managed by a 团队 culture (Global pandemic anyone?). 然而 the 团队’s ability to respond to external influences, 其文化对内部问题的反应可能受到几个因素的巨大影响. 我的资料来源还是谷歌 再保险:工作.


心理安全是支撑高绩效团队(以及所有其他动力)的基础。. If this is absent,n the 团队 cannot perform strongly. A 团队 with a strong sense of psychological safety will confidently “take risks on the 团队 without feeling insecure or embarrassed”.


可靠性是依赖团队成员的能力,而不仅仅是能够完成工作, but be able to estimate how long it will take, and can be confident that the work will be of adequate quality.


在考虑团队动态时,这可能被认为是一个外部因素, however my expectations are that a 团队 will negotiate and own the goals, 角色和执行计划. 如果这些都很清楚, 并且任何团队成员都可以证明,n they will be adding to their ability to be high performing.


这是一个棘手的动态, if a 团队 member is not motivated by the work the 团队 is tasked with, 他们在动力、按时交付和质量上都有问题. A person who is primarily motivated by financial gain, career opportunity or fear will not make a good 团队 member.


我的专业领域是在任何项目中保护和促进最终用户的利益. The close contact with the users begins at the research stage, and often involves deeply understanding the motivations for their behaviour. 我知道这种程度的参与给了我参与所有项目的强大动力. “Do we fundamentally believe that the work we’re doing matters?”


2016年夏天, 我当时正在为Virgin Money Giving的数字化转型进行为期两周的Inception(快速敏捷项目启动). 现有的服务已经有10年的历史了,绝对是在智能手机出现之前,显示出它的年龄. I was facilitating a persona goals workshop, 我们在哪里确定不同的用户能够通过服务实现的合理目标. 到目前为止,一场普通的订婚. 然后我被介绍给了一个父亲的角色,他的孩子最近去世了. 这群用户在维珍的现金捐赠服务中占很大比例, 因为与悲伤周期相吻合, 父亲“做点什么”的动机可以通过慈善筹款来实现. My attitude to this project moved from a simple digital service rebuild, 为悲伤的父母提供支持和避免危机的服务.


This post’s aim is to introduce the concept of high performing 团队s, 希望能让你思考你是否让你管理的团队表现得尽可能强. 与Made Tech的合作从项目开始就建立了团队建设, through governance and the mechanics of deployment.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this post, 以及你是否对我们用来建立高效团队的方法感兴趣. 

If you are interested in learning more about this subject, you can download our “Building High Performance Agile Teams” ebook from our 网站 或订购实体副本 亚马逊.

