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Manchester Digital Member Conference Full Lineup

What do you need to know?

  • 您可以从13:30到网络进入全球最大的博彩平台数字会员会议. 
  • 你可以通过同一个平台全天与其他会员建立联系. 
  • Katie Gallagher, Managing Director of Manchester Digital, 全球最大的博彩平台数字会议将于13:50正式开幕.
  • Sessions start at 2 pm.
  • 每个会话都可以在右侧的会话选项卡中找到,并且会在开始前5分钟出现.

尽管全球最大的博彩平台数字会员大会最好是全集观看, feel free to curate your very own schedule by booking on below, so you don’t miss your top picks of presentations. 

You can find more information about each event below this table.




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Welcome from Manchester Digital

13:50 - 14:00

AI for all: shaping the future with Slalom

14:00 - 14:30 Book Now

Why NFTs are something you need to know about with NFTU

14:30 - 15:00 Book Now


14:30 - 15:00

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The Future of Digital & Data Transformation with ENGINE Transformation.

15:00 - 15:30 Book Now

Is the future of website user experience gamification? With Novi.Digital

15:00 - 15:30 Book Now

Networking break

15:30 - 15:45 Book Now


15.45 - 16.15Book Now

An MLOps-powered future with Fuzzy Labs

15:45 - 16:15 Book Now

EDI & its Impact on Technology with GCHQ 

15:45 - 16:15Book Now


16:30 - 16:55 Book Now

AGM business and MD thank you's

16:45 - 17:00 Book Now

AI for all: shaping the future with Slalom

14:00 - 14:30

Shouldn’t we be in the AI-powered future by now? Do you feel like we’ve been talking about it for long enough? Do you think it’s working for you, your company and your customers? Slalom希望帮助每个人都有机会在技术革命中发挥作用,并改变人工智能的道德应用,以实现更加多样化和公平的社会. Currently, 85%的公司认为人工智能对他们的未来至关重要,而目前只有15%的公司在利用人工智能.

Slalom以人为本的人工智能方法基于三个核心信念,即所有人都可以使用人工智能, provide an opportunity for all and be representative of all. From current disruptors to future innovators; AI is for you and me. AI is for all.

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Why NFTs are something you need to know about with NFTU

14:30 - 15:00

The world of NFTs can be daunting. With so much confusion around them, 很难理解它们的真正价值,以及它们是如何铺路的 方式不仅针对全球的数字艺术家,也针对如何品牌 能否生产出不仅经得起时间考验的nft artistic merit but also opens up limitless possibilities for the end-consumer. This talk will describe what exactly an NFT is, and why they're going to play a vital role in the future.

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14:30 - 15:00

Every year, 来自世界各地的设计师为Fjord Trends报告提出了他们对未来的预测. The past year has been a year like no other, changing how we live, work, learn, shop and play, as well as how and where we experience things. Reflected in the latest report, 2021年,我们将创建新的地图,帮助我们发现尚未发生的事情, and planning a route to the world we want to live in. 纵观历史,在一次全球性危机之后,一个新的思维时代开始了. 现在,我们有机会决定我们希望21世纪的复兴是什么样子.

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The Future of Digital & Data Transformation with ENGINE Transformation.

15:00 - 15:30

We’ve all had a lot to think about over the last 18 months, but resilience has been pretty much top of the pile. Us as individuals, our families, 经济和世界上几乎所有组织都经历了前所未有的压力测试. But now, as the world cautiously promises to go back, we believe that what you do next will be the key to future success.

So, what is the future of transformation? 在这次演讲中,ENGINE Transformation的北部主管Peter Rottier将会讨论转型失败的原因并分享他在公共部门转型方面的经验以及他认为公共部门可以从中学到的东西以及他对转型未来的看法.

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Is the future of website user experience gamification? With Novi.Digital

15:00 - 15:30

游戏化不仅仅是将游戏融入到你的网站中. It is much more than this. 一个例子是把网站的用户旅程想象成一盘国际象棋, 你需要提前预测用户的下一步行动,并针对每种情况做出适当的个性化回应.

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随着越来越多的企业迁移并需要更多定制和通用的云解决方案, 英国电信正按计划在全球最大的博彩平台市中心建立一个智能、灵活的卓越云服务中心.

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An MLOps-powered future with Fuzzy Labs

15:45 - 16:15

The future of AI lies in a new buzzword known as MLOps. While everybody 对他们可以用人工智能做的事情感到兴奋,同时,据说 that 90% of attempts to productionise AI models fails.

This talk will be valuable to both technical and non-technical audiences. 对于那些想要了解如何将人工智能应用于业务的人来说, 这次谈话将使他们对什么是成功有一个具体的认识.

对于那些努力将现有人工智能能力产品化的企业来说,这是一种挑战 讨论将提出采用MLOps解决这些问题的途径.

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EDI & its Impact on Technology with GCHQ 

Technology is used by everyone, 但如果我们不开始考虑如何为每个人创造它,我们就不会创造出正确的东西. 平等、多样性和包容是我们所有技术进步的核心. 这次演讲将讨论我们如何使用EDI来构建未来的技术.

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16:30 - 16:55

可持续设计思想家创始人和创新战略家 提出以用户为中心的产品或服务创新方法 这支持公司团队验证他们的想法和假设 before launching their products or services.

团队应该构建问题框架并运行设计冲刺来验证想法 通过原型和用户测试来迭代解决方案 launch.

团队中的创新文化为创新提供了机会 所有部门和创新冲刺都可以亲自或亲自推动 remotely using digital workspaces.


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