

全球最大的博彩平台数字文化俱乐部的第三期专题报道中,我们采访了 musicMagpie, 这是一家总部位于英国的科技公司,处于全球再商务革命的前沿, 允许客户从对他们来说明智的服务中购买和销售, 对地球来说也是明智的. 

To find out more about the attitudes and behaviours that make up the culture of their company, 我们采访了他们团队的3名成员,其中一位是他们的人才主管, 一个新人,一个老员工.

Rachel Coxon,集团人力资源和人才总监

Can you tell us a little bit about the company, before describing the culture at the organisation?

musicMagpie 一家总部位于英国的科技企业是否处于全球再商务革命的前沿. Our site and mobile app allow customers to easily get cash for their unwanted tech and media items, we then refurbish those products back to a good-as-new condition before reselling them on our own store as well as global marketplaces. 刚开始是买cd的, 2007年,联合创始人史蒂夫在斯托克波特的车库里发现了dvd和游戏, 该公司现在的年营业额为1.5亿英镑, 目前,我们的美国品牌占其营业额的25%, Decluttr.

First and foremost, we’re a family, and everything we do really operates around this ethos. 我们关心彼此, 我们的社区和, 虽然我们每个人都很有天赋, 我们知道,作为一个团队,我们工作得更好. 在这个团队中,我们公开交流, 确保每个人都有发言权,无论如何都要相互尊重. This openness amongst our colleagues allows us to engage in constructive conversation as well as take feedback, 帮助我们不断改进与工作有关的问题, 我们的文化和我们的客户. We are also sure that great thinking and ideas can come from anyone in the room and we get behind one another with enthusiasm, we know that every single person within the business contributes to our combined success. This, I believe, is what makes us successful and keeps our people happy and motivated.


在吸引人才方面, 我们采用了与我们工作方式相同的方法, 那就是保持开放的心态. We know that talent can come from a diverse pool and we aren’t rigid on what someone’s CV looks like and whether it follows the ‘traditional’ path. 对我们来说,最重要的是我们看到与我们的价值观一致, 在那个人身上, 我们在招聘过程的每个阶段都寻求这种一致性. 最终的目标是确保这个人在音乐上茁壮成长. 可持续发展是我们业务的核心, we also like to hear from people who are interested in musicMagpie due to environmental and ethical reasons, 因为这是我们未来的核心组成部分. 

Matching talent to our values during the recruitment process is also key to ensuring we then retain talent when they join the business. We believe that by focusing the time and resource up front when recruiting to ensure the candidate is a perfect match, 技术上和文化上, 因为从长远来看,生意是有回报的. 个人的价值观与我们的价值观在哪里一致, 他们更有可能喜欢并继续在音乐喜鹊工作.

然而,工作当然不会就此结束. We have a thorough onboarding process that we are constantly evaluating and gaining feedback on, 确保当有人十大正规博彩网站评级公司时, 他们最初的几个月也很有帮助, 顺利进行, 尽可能. Throughout your time at musicMagpie you could also expect a big focus on wellbeing and social, 还有免费的理疗课程, 尊巴类, 惊喜的礼物, 以及公司的社交活动,包括小测验, 魔术表演和更多.


This year has certainly been a challenge with shifting from in-person collaboration and ‘water cooler chats’ to remote working, but I believe that this has made us even stronger as a team and that we will come out of this with more compassion, 欣赏和动力比以往任何时候. 我们得了解彼此的孩子, 宠物, 即使是内心的偏好,也曾相互支持过一段非常艰难的时期, 因此,这只会让我们的同事和朋友关系更加密切. 

我们从不假设我们的人会从中受益, 什么会吸引和激励他们, 我们问, we have various channels to feedback and it’s this feedback that allows our colleagues to feel actively involved in continuous improvement within the business. Getting feedback has been critical for us in the last year in determining how we can continue to best support all colleagues.

Magpies never sit still for long and we have a number of significant projects already in the pipeline for this year and beyond. There’s plenty for any new candidate to get their teeth stuck into and our promise to them is that we will support them to make their own role in the company and allow them the opportunities to grow and grow – the sky really is the limit.

Padma Turlapati, QA分析师


我最近十大正规博彩网站评级了musicMagpie,担任QA分析师. 我的职责主要是测试应用程序和解决问题. This involves working with other members of the QA team, as well as developers and product owners.


我被公司在过去几年里的出色发展所吸引, 这让它看起来像是一个非常令人兴奋的工作场所. 在机会出现时对公司进行了调查, 我真的很喜欢这个牌子, 网站和它所代表的意义.

I was attracted to the role in particular as we would be building up the testing process from scratch and I’d therefore be joining in the starting phase of this development, 这从一开始就像是一个巨大的挑战.


I’ve been delighted with the induction process at musicMagpie – not only because of the warm welcome I received from my colleagues, but also because the welcome pack was extremely thorough and gave me the background and history on the company, 对于新手来说,什么是无价的

因为我们现在是远程办公, I was also surprised at the speed in which all of my equipment arrived and all of the tech I needed was set up. musicMagpie使这部分的诱导过程在我这边容易和顺利.

My team has a stand-up meeting every morning which helps us to collaborate between one another and look at priorities that day, 与QA同事的频繁接触也帮助我融入其中.



我负责musicMagpie和Decluttr的所有营销活动, 对于业务的“销售”方面. The role sees me drive the strategic direction behind our multi-award-winning tech recycling service, 在我们所有的收购中, 转化率和留存率活动和计划. 这是一个相当广泛的职责…有一天我可能会开发我们全新的电视创意, 下一个指导我们的新用户体验实验的实现. 下周可能会有新的电子邮件留存活动, the next working with our SEO team on how we react to the latest Google algorithm update. 每天都有新的挑战, 新的机会, 没有两天是完全一样的, 虽然这是一个要求很高的角色, 这是一个令人兴奋和有益的工作(不用说), 肯定会让你很忙!).

你已经在这家公司工作好几年了, 你能告诉我是什么原因让你在这家公司呆了这么久吗?

I’ve been with the business for eight years now and have loved every second of that time. I joined the business as a grad in a marketing executive role and grew from there very quickly into a CRM Lead, a市场经理, 然后是营销主管, 在此之前担任集团营销主管. I think this opportunity to grow within the business is a huge factor in what has kept me at the company for so long, 但这不是主要原因. musicMagpie和Decluttr拥有这么多长期团队成员的真正原因, 确实如此, 是因为我们是一家人吗. 我知道这听起来有点陈词滥调,但这确实是事实. This is engrained in the ethos of the business and is the value at the very core everything we do. This combined with both good laughs almost every day and the opportunity to grow with the business, 这样就不可能找别的地方了.


别想了,十大正规博彩网站评级吧! 如果你喜欢快节奏的声音, 具有挑战性和创新性的工作环境, would like to join a business with sustainability and diversity at its core that strives to be the very best in everything it does, 同时也有机会成长,并因你的努力而得到回报, 然后我会说, 你还在等什么!?

为了了解更多全球最大的博彩平台音乐喜鹊和他们所做的工作, 点击这里.

If you’re a member and would like to take part in a future edition of our Culture Club series, 请联系 thom@wargamecn.net.

