
My First 12 Months - Kevin刘, 软件测试工程师, Nimble Approach

The first 12 months in a new role is a crucial time full of learning, building new relationships and establishing yourself within a business or organisation.

Kevin刘, 敏捷方法的软件测试工程师, recently told us about his journey into the role and how the first year has gone so far.

名称: Kevin刘
公司: Nimble Approach
职称: 软件测试工程师 


Just an ordinary graduate who was trying to look for a job after Uni, I was able to land a job in the financial industry as a processing clerk. 但它不适合我. I was happy to land a role in testing as what fascinated me the most was, 我如何打破这个系统, in a good way so the systems we use today are more robust and secure.


I wanted a new challenge after working in the banking industry for 8 years, and after completing my ISTQB foundation I found out the testing I was doing was only scraping the surface of what we should be doing. By working with Nimble Approach one of the most attractive parts of the company to me is they give me time to learn, and you will never get bored as t在这里’s always lots of different projects and clients, 所以那里肯定有新东西要学. 

P.S. T在这里 are always great social gatherings within Nimble, they do not disappoint.


I can say every day is definitely not the same besides having a nice cuppa coffee in the morning. Usually join client standups to check what needs doing on a JIRA board, and us testers will work with the devs making sure things are built correctly before they are deployed into the test environment. If the development and the 3 amigo session goes well, this is w在这里 the fun part begins “TESTING!”. Don’t forget to reach out to the test team to see how people are doing and t在这里 is always time for a quick natter.


One of the challenges I faced during my first 12 months in the role is how much I needed to learn. Everyday I’m learning something new and I am grateful that the client and Nimble Approach provides me with support to ensure I have got the right resources and knowledge to do the job.


咨询业的发展速度之快让我非常惊讶. E.g. One day you can be with a client who wants us to use a technology which I’ve never been exposed to, the next we can be helping another team to upskill and advise their testing teams. This has resulted in upskilling my people skills (using the correct language etc) as well as my technical abilities and knowledge.


当然是《十大正规博彩网站评级》中的人, we are a big family who leave their ego at the door before coming into work, 每个人都很支持我. 每个实践都有自己的实践社区(CoP) . This means if we do not know how to approach a situation or even the way to learn a new tech, 有这些沟通渠道可以帮助支持我们. This was best part of my learning from trying to learn new tech/language and transition from a manual tester to an automation tester.


敏捷的方法把他们的人放在第一位, in terms of monthly feed-back about the company (what can be improved) and actually slowly implement change to make the company a better place to work for. They also put mental health as a high priority and do not shy away from talking about it. During the mental health month in 2022 we received so many gifts (physical and digital) to ensure our mental mental health is in check, 我以为是圣诞节. Nimble has a work hard play hard culture but we also have flexible working, 这意味着我可以很好地平衡工作和生活. Even though everyone in Nimble might be on different clients, we definitely will not decline a good social session and catching up.

Can you share details of one project/achievement you are most proud of since starting in this role?

One of the main things for me is to get recognised for all the hard work you do with the client, it is rare to find a company that values personal growth and appreciates hard work. I would definitely recommend Nimble Approach to anyone if they are looking for personal development and will accept a challenge because you will 110% be supported.


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