
How to Choose a Fulfilment Partner - Questions you should be asking

How to Choose a Fulfilment Partner - Questions you should be asking

Sometimes when a potential client first gets in touch with us, their main question for us is ‘what’s the price?’

这是一个很重要的问题, 把价格作为你的主要标准并不能保证你能找到符合你需求的解决方案, 或者给你最低的成本. 毕竟,你不会只根据价格来买车、买房、度假或买保险. A cheaper car might cost more to run, 一所便宜的房子可能需要很多昂贵的维修……在做决定时,有一系列的因素需要考虑.

Your fulfilment partner will be an extension of your business operation and will contribute to your brand’s reputation; their ability to make sure your orders arrive in a well-presented and timely manner will have a huge bearing on how your customers perceive you. 因此, it’s crucial to work with a company you can trust, and not just go with the cheapest-sounding quote you can find.


Ask: “我的账户将如何管理??”

Why ask this: While most fulfilment companies have a client service team, how you are able to contact them can vary.

Several fulfilment providers have a ticketing system in place, so rather than contacting a team member directly, 在您的查询得到确认之前,您必须“提交支持票”. These systems are always set up with the best of intentions, but sometimes you just want to talk to somebody!

我们的一些客户甚至报告说,他们以前的配送公司限制了他们每天与客户服务团队联系的次数. 如果你是一家新公司,对招聘流程有疑问,你可能会觉得很沮丧, or if you’re trying to get an update on a customer’s behalf.

有一两个专门的联系人通常是最好的迹象,表明你的问题将得到一个有帮助的人的回答! - - - - - -的方式. 在评估不同的履行提供商时,询问他们如何处理来自客户的查询.

Ask: “What are your parcel size definitions?”

Why ask this: It might seem a strange question, 但我们知道,至少有一家英国领先的履行服务提供商为小/中/大包裹提供“有竞争力的”价格,但他们的尺寸定义比他们合作的快递公司要小. 

这意味着在某些情况下, 一个被皇家邮政定义为“小”的包裹可能会被快递公司贴上“中”的标签:他们可以用“小”服务寄送包裹,同时收取“中等”价格. 这种定价方法可能会让企业付出比预期更高的代价. 

Ask: “What happens if I have a surge in orders?”

为什么要问这个问题:你想让你的履行伙伴在繁忙时期也能保持服务水平, 因此,有必要问一下,中国采取了哪些措施来应对不断变化的需求.

在繁忙时期或促销期间,与你的履行团队保持沟通是成功销售的关键. Make sure you will have a regular point of contact, or that you can easily get hold of someone from the company, so you can keep them updated on your plans.

我们注意到一些物流公司要求提前28天通知“激增事件”。, and imposing additional charges if less notice is provided. 这将使他们的客户很难适应市场的快速变化, such as reacting to a TikTok/Instagram trend. 

Ask: “What happens if I have a slump in orders?”

为什么要问这个问题:我们许多人都亲眼目睹了大流行病的影响, Brexit, and the cost of living crisis on online sales, and businesses’ ability to forecast demand. 尽管如此, some fulfilment companies still require quarterly sales forecasts, 如果你的销售额达不到预期,你有权提高成本.

This measure puts unnecessary additional pressure on business owners, who are already trying to navigate a challenging set of circumstances.

Ask: “Do you offer any additional services beyond the basic pick/pack?”

为什么要问这个问题:了解你的履行合作伙伴可以提供的服务范围是很好的——他们能进行返工吗, 服装和礼品包装服务? Do they provide a wholesale fulfilment service? 

Even if you don’t need these additional services at the moment, your requirements could evolve as your business grows. 从长远来看,拥有一个服务可以与你一起发展的履行合作伙伴要简单得多, 而不是当你的需求超出标准的取/装服务时,不得不寻找一个新的公司.

It’s worth considering what you would do if you ever encountered a problem with a stock delivery; for example if it needed 返工. Would your fulfilment partner be willing and able to help you fix it?

Ask: “Will your fulfilment software give me the information I need?”

为什么要问这个问题:外包你的履行不应该意味着忽视你的库存. 虽然所有的物流供应商都会告诉你,他们有一个最先进的系统,以保持他们的仓库运行, that means nothing if you can’t work with it. It needs to be transparent and easy for you to use, without bombarding you with too much data at once.


Why ask this: As well as reviewing any fulfilment quote thoroughly, 你应该要求公司澄清,你的提案中是否包括你的业务可能要承担的费用. 除了, 我们强烈建议您在做出最终决定之前阅读他们的服务条款和条件-这可能是其他任何地方都没有提到的参考费用. Some fulfilment companies omit the courier fees from their quote, so on first glance it will look significantly less expensive!

我们还建议检查您将与之合作的任何组织的财务状况. 进行信用检查, 查看公司注册处——如果公司有正在增长的现金储备, 它可能会遇到麻烦. While this is the worst-case scenario, 你的履约合作伙伴进入管理阶段对你的企业来说将是一场噩梦——管理人员可能需要数周或数月的时间才能把你的库存放回给你.

If a fulfilment house’s quote seems too good to be true, then these points are particularly important - check for hidden fees, 而且他们激进的定价模式并没有让他们陷入危险的财务状况. 

比较不同物流公司的报价真的很困难, as there is a lot of variation in how they all structure their pricing. 列出几个常见的订单示例,以及每种订单的发货成本,例如:

  • A gift-wrapped order with 2 products

  • 1个产品的标准订单

  • 30种产品的批发订单

然后, 估计一下每种类型的订单你希望在一年内发出多少,然后乘以费用. 下一个, work out your storage costs for the year, and factor in any additional annual costs in your proposal. 这应该有助于给出一个清晰的画面,你会支付每个履行合作伙伴, as opposed to trying to compare apples with oranges.

Ask: “你的入职流程是怎样的?”

为什么要问这个问题:你是否打算把内部的工作外包出去, 换一个新的履行伙伴, or plan ahead for your start-up business, 你的新履行公司应该能够概述它的交货时间和流程,以建立你的新帐户.

显然,您希望您的在线订单尽可能少地受到干扰, 让你的新伙伴设定明确的期望,这样你就可以做好必要的准备.

Ask: “你有什么问题要问我??”


If the fulfilment house has not asked about what you’re selling; your product characteristics, 交付的偏好, 你是否对完成订单有特定的要求,这是一个危险信号.

履行订单所涉及的时间和流程可能因企业而异. 然而,一些物流供应商仍在分发相同的通用价目表, 无论是卖自行车的, 金表, 食物会妨碍, 智能手机还是沙发!

共享标准化价格的配送公司之所以这么做,是因为他们知道这一点, 对大多数卖家来说, 这是他们最重要的问题,他们想在开始谈话之前知道价格. 但是这些卖家冒着被低成本吸引的风险,一旦他们已经把所有的库存转移过来并整合了他们的系统,他们的费用就会调整——仅仅是因为在你与他们签约之前,配送公司没有准确计算所涉及的资源.

When evaluating different fulfilment companies, make sure you get satisfactory answers to all these questions. It’s always best to speak to a team member over the phone if you can.

What are Vdepot’s answers to these questions?


We don’t use a ticketing system at Vdepot, 而是邀请我们的客户在他们需要任何东西的时候给我们打电话或发邮件. We allocate a team of people to each client. 这意味着你将有一个主要的客户服务联系人,货物的一致性 & 仓库管理,以及技术方面的一致性. 您的业务将由一群熟悉您的产品和流程的可靠人员负责.

“What are your parcel size definitions?”

您可以使用的盒子尺寸定义将在我们的提案中明确说明. You have the option to use your own packing materials, 在这种情况下,它们将是与我们使用的Courier服务相同大小的定义. 如果您想使用Vdepot的包装材料,我们会尽可能将盒子的定义与快递员的定义相匹配.

“What happens if I have a surge in orders?”

虽然我们要求我们的客户尽可能多地通知即将到来的销售和促销活动, 我们永远不会阻止与我们合作的企业进行销售, or reacting to what’s happening in their market or on social media. 

我们采取了一些措施,以确保我们在繁忙的时间保持服务水平, 包括在9月份对季节性员工进行培训,使他们具备必要的知识和经验,以度过苛刻的节日, 每天审查客户订单量和团队成员分配情况.

“What happens if I have a slump in orders?”

我们希望您将Vdepot团队视为您业务的延伸, 我们认为,因为销售额下降而惩罚你方不利于公平和成功的合作关系. 而不是经济处罚, 如果你的销售没有达到你所期望的水平,我们希望能够帮助你. 例如, we can organise a free digital marketing audit for you, 以及为我们信任的专家提供建议,帮助您克服任何业务挑战. 你成功对每个人都有好处,所以我们想尽我们所能帮助你. 

“Do you offer any additional services beyond the basic pick/pack?”

我们是为数不多的履行公司之一,可以定制履行服务,无论您需要什么, 包括B2C的专家履行, B2B, 线上线下渠道, 返工, 服装和礼品包装. 

“Will your fulfilment software give me the information I need?”

With Vdepot’s custom-built order management system, you can easily monitor the status of your orders and inventory levels, and specify exactly what other information you want to view each day. This can include the live status of all new orders, 按地点排序的订单编号, 通道和SKU, and any custom reports you might request. 我们积极为我们的客户编写报告和见解,帮助他们评估他们的业务绩效,并为他们的产品决策提供信息, 价格和更多.


我们为您定制的建议将列出您应该知道的所有费用,没有意外. We don’t hide any extra service charges in our Terms & 条件下, 你可以在这里读到. 只有当你选择的快递公司增加收费时,你的服务费才会改变, 如果考虑到通货膨胀, 或者如果您的实现需求与您的第一个提案中提到的需求有很大的不同. 


在Vdepot, 我们可以得到您的新的履行过程,并在几天内从您的查询运行. 我们的平均准备时间是3个工作日,但在某些情况下,这可以少到1天. 我们根据你们的库存和订单量,在我们的建议中包括了预估的交货时间. 对于拥有数千个sku或正在从不同的履行合作伙伴切换的公司, we can offer the option of phased implementation.


在Vdepot,我们更愿意与您聊天,给您量身定制,公平和准确的建议. We will run through a few questions with you - on a call or via email, depending on your preference - about your products, and your needs around packing/shipping/returns. 从那里,我们将创建一个定制的提案,并在电话中与您一起运行.

要与Vdepot开始对话,请致电+44(0)1603 881700或访问我们

