

At 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与Rasha El-Shirbini进行对话 社会捷豹. Rasha也是 Qalhata技术 他们专注于数据分析、网络安全和RPA. Rasha holds over 12 years of experience marketing across Retail, Technology, FMCG, Financial sectors.  


社会捷豹 is a start up marketing strategy and communications consultancy, 出生在“新常态”, 专营零售业务, 科技及创意界别. 我的目标是在这个营销丛林中赋予客户权力! I find a path through the noise with the use of technology, data and human understanding. 所有这些都是为了帮助我的客户达到那些“啊哈”!的时刻,并创造有效的活动.       

Businesses are pivoting in the current climate to stay competitive and want to remain ‘front of mind’ for their customers. 我能理解, 和市场总监一起工作, 商业领袖和机构, to develop clear strategies and creative marketing solutions so that they remain ahead. 作为值得信赖的合作伙伴, 我提供见解,帮助塑造创意活动, ensuring our clients hold powerful knowledge about their audiences so they can continue to build strong relationships with their customers.  

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

I honestly believe that privacy and ethics are the most important issues facing the tech sector (and society as a whole). There is a need for digitalisation more than ever and it is increasing at a relatively exponential rate. 然而,科技行业, has already been navigating sensitive arguments such as the balance between privacy, 知道的太多, 更好地服务顾客. 

随着社会的调整,这样的对话将会加强. 例如, 谷歌宣布在2022年, there will be a stop of third party cookies from tracking users across the internet. The idea being that, they replace these with what they term as trust tokens instead. 其他浏览器供应商也在寻求这条路. 

除了审查受影响的隐私政策, 上述变化的结果, means that new and innovative digital marketing strategies will need to be put in place before this happens. It is thus clear why having a strategic marketing partner (like 社会捷豹 for instance) would help to ensure a swift and seamless shift.  


社会捷豹 is still quite new on the scene but I am very proud of the work we have conducted for our digital clients lately, 主要是在法律和科技领域. This involved providing key insights into their audiences as well as helping them plan a road map to drive traffic to their sites. 我们对另一个更大的项目感到兴奋, is a project for an Italian luxury brand with plans of diversifying into the Arabian market. We provided valuable customer insights and a phased marketing plan to execute the expansion. 请关注这个领域,因为我们正在推动更大的成就.


我们面临的最大挑战很可能与其他许多人一样, we do miss being able to meet clients and socialise in person as well as attend events. 也, 作为一家初创公司, we are still refining our offering and working hard to get clients the services they need from us. 例如, we are executing social media projects for some clients and strategies about breaking into new markets for others. 

The dream is to become a larger but agile agency with a strong back bone in strategy, data and technology ready to help our clients transition into the “Blade Runner” future ahead of us. 不过目前来看, I am embracing being boutique and unique with 社会捷豹 and excited for the journey ahead.   

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?    

非常聪明的, I think the City of Manchester has made many strategic choices to ensure it succeeds within the tech sector. 最近, 全球最大的博彩平台被宣布为欧洲发展最快的科技中心, 去年吸引了超过5亿英镑的风险投资资金, 领先于剑桥. 我的预言告诉我,事情只能向上和向前发展. 毕竟, 有着丰富的航海历史, 全球最大的博彩平台在调整船帆以适应风向方面相当熟练.


As well as offering marketing services and strategy, we also provide eye tracking insights (捷豹之眼Q),以帮助客户更深入地了解他们的受众. The process removes some of the subjectivity of judging creative concepts and designs. Helping clients tap into the customer’s subconscious by assessing which design drew their visual attentional resources more often. 我们通过现场焦点小组和更快的服务来做到这一点, we offer AI solutions that predict which creative visual will have the most impact. 最近 our work and research revolves around determining if a customer has an emotional reaction to the media they see in front of them. Imagine if you could be sure the digital advert you have created was going to get you a higher click through rate? This is where we marry technology, creativity and insight for our clients. 


想要提升你的企业形象? 如果你是会员,请全球最大的博彩平台 thom@wargamecn.net to discuss featuring your content on our site, social media or newsletter. If you're not a member, get in touch today to discuss the benefits of membership.

