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Head in the clouds

Is cloud computing not a bit old hat now, with banks benefitting from widescale adoption across their business lines? And given the dramatic quarterly jump in earnings for both AWS and Microsoft Azure in Q4 2018 (45% and 76% respectively), 难道我们不应该期望英国和全球的银行为这种快速增长做出了重大贡献吗? There certainly are success stories: Capital One is an often touted “all-in” cloud migration AWS case study; Starling and other challengers in the UK have built on a cloud-first architecture; and both RBS and CYBG have built out new brands sitting on a greenfield cloud enabled tech stack.

However, the statistics, and these successes, don’t necessarily point to the overwhelming adoption, acceptance and embracement of cloud computing across the industry. 我们亲眼所见的不仅仅是不愿贸然采用云计算, 但由于三个主要原因,我们根本无法做到这一点:数据隐私问题, 僵硬的组织结构和技术架构的潜在复杂性.

Data privacy has long been a concern for banks, and rightly so, 而是2018年5月根据GDPR引入的对数据泄露的严厉处罚, 再加上高级经理制度规定的更严格的问责要求,这确实使高管们重新考虑到这一点. Where cloud is concerned this becomes ever more pertinent.

这是有道理的:在过去的五年里,银行一直在表达他们对云安全和云提供商的担忧, 谁恰好是世界上最大的公司,拥有几乎无限的资源, have responded. 现在,议程将会改变——云提供商将需要展示他们有效管理和控制数据的能力(毫无疑问,他们将能够做到)。, and importantly, 银行将需要确保它们能够实施并证明同样程度的控制, which is, as ever, less simple.

很明显,银行需要防止对数据隐私的担忧冲淡云计算的话题. 这些担忧是合理的,组织内外充分的数据控制的重要性不应被低估, but with an enabling governance process, clear documentation and adherence to process, these concerns can be allayed.

在不涉及银行在多大程度上能够有效地实施敏捷交付实践的辩论的情况下, 可以肯定的是,大规模的云应用已经和将要取得成功的程度是可以比较的, not least because, for the most part, 云实现项目和基于云的基础设施上正在进行的开发在很大程度上是由敏捷交付支持的.

DevOps的概念非常完美地概括了这一点——引入专业知识, 支持应用程序和服务开发的团队结构和实践, as well as their ongoing maintenance. 去年的这个时候,我在一家跨国银行成立了一个DevOps工程师团队来支持一个产品,这简直就是一场战斗, with roadblocks at every step of the process: finding the right people; putting in place contracts that supported a new style of working; implementing and setting up alerting and monitoring technology; aligning processes and procedures with existing support functions (often offshore); and securing business confidence in what we were doing. 而这是在一家欣然接受“数字化”并转向云计算的银行. This is not an insignificant challenge for a small-scale, single market product; imagine the effort involved to introduce the right organisational structure, 支持基于云的全球核心银行系统(甚至多个区域核心银行系统)迁移的实践和流程.

Banks shouldn’t simply expect that the introduction and adoption of cloud can fit neatly into the existing organisation; there are foundational behaviours and structures that need to be established to support this adoption first.

云计算的成功案例往往集中在市场的新进入者或绿地项目上,这是有原因的:理清全球银行的架构是非常困难的. When it comes to these kinds of widescale platform migrations, the topic of cloud is almost irrelevant. Just moving from one on premises, 将遗留的大型机系统转移到另一个大型机系统将具有足够的挑战性(确实如此), just look at what happened with the TSB-Sabadell migration in 2018). This existing baggage isn’t part of the equation when building from scratch, 要么作为一个全新的组织,要么作为一个在技术上与母公司分离的实体.

Banks should see now as an opportunity to slowly, 当然,战略性地迁移到基于云的基础设施,以改善整体核心银行业务体验. 劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)正在测试将有限客户迁移到Thought Machine, a cloud based core banking system, and HSBC has been embracing a multi-cloud approach for at least two years. These examples have focused on proofs of concept, 其次是有限的客户迁移,最终将导致完全迁移到云. 采取这种积极主动、有分寸的方法最终会比下意识反应成功得多, all in, over-promised under-delivered migration.

云计算是未来几年银行议程上的一个话题. It must be wholeheartedly embraced at every level of the organisation, 大量投资和优先考虑,以真正释放其实施将带来的诸多好处.

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