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Mid-Senior Project Manager

Reason Digital Limited - Manchester

Full-time (Permanent)
Published on
28 February 2023

We solve problems that actually matter

Reason Digital is a unique and special place to be. As a project manager, 你将每天与慈善机构和其他亲社会组织一起工作,让世界变得更美好.

十大正规博彩网站评级我们的团队意味着从事各种鼓舞人心和改变生活的数字项目. 我们没有花时间在互联网上销售更多的东西,而是建立了数字工具,比如:

  • 一个聊天机器人,为有被培养或剥削风险的年轻人提供支持
  • An app that helps parents and carers of children with serious illnesses, to better manage their complex medicinal routines
  • Web-based peer to peer platform, 如何帮助那些有需要的人申请他们需要和应得的福利

The work we do makes getting out of bed a whole lot easier. Join our team of digital heroes today.

We are now a remote-first workplace

There’s no doubt about it - It’s a strange time to be hiring. Like many others, our team has worked remotely for six months now, 我们很自豪地说,我们仍然在提供美丽而有影响力的工作,改变生活.
As a result we’re opening up to a new way of working. Reason Digital is now a remote-first organisation. This means:

  • 我们在全球最大的博彩平台北部还有一处漂亮的办公室, and when it is safe to return, 我们将根据您的需要将其作为协作空间或工作基地.
  • We are flexible with how people choose to work; full-time remote working, or part-time remote working.

The Role: Project Manager

Salary: £35,000 - £40,000

我们有一个令人兴奋的机会,一个经验丰富的项目经理十大正规博彩网站评级我们,监督网站的创建, 提供积极社会影响的移动应用程序和数字服务.  我们的项目和客户需要适应性和创新,您将能够将交付方法的强大知识与务实的方法和开放的心态相结合.

你将有机会为我们的客户开发改变生活的产品,并参与我们的内部项目. 这个角色包括全新网站和应用程序的端到端交付,以及现有产品的持续开发和演变. 我们还为客户提供战略、创意、营销和数字化转型项目.

It will be your responsibility to take ownership of a project, working with our clients and your team to deliver impactful results. 我们是一个不断成长的机构,我们鼓励这里的每个人积极参与,帮助我们不断改进我们的工具, process and culture.

Your Mission

负责项目交付,领导多学科团队交付数字项目和产品 delight our clients, are profitable for our business, satisfy our employees and create a positive social impact.

What you will work on

我们从事的项目覆盖了数百万用户,并解决了最棘手的社会问题. Some examples include:

  • A multi award-winning digital service tackling loneliness for Age UK
  • A platform to take millions of pounds of donations for Children In Need
  • 一去不复返的iOS和安卓应用程序——彻底改变了人们向慈善机构捐赠物品的方式
  • 每天接触成千上万用户的网站,以改善他们的健康, education and quality of life
  • 聊天机器人和虚拟助手技术支持弱势群体

Your experience

  • 你将有一个数字/软件背景和经验的网站设计和不同规模的建设项目
  • You've got experience working as part of a digital agency, 与外部数字机构或内部数字团队合作
  • You've got experience of Agile delivery, with or without a recognised Agile project management qualification
  • 理想情况下,你还需要有管理原生应用设计和构建项目的经验

Your competencies

  • Communication - You value honest and open communication, you never avoid difficult conversations and know how to negotiate
  • Project Management Tools -知道如何使用Jira或类似的基于任务的项目管理工具
  • Managing Expectations - You make clearly defined commitments and stick to them
  • Empathy & Respect - You have empathy & respect for clients and co-workers - you are courteous, patient and considerate, 即使在压力很大的环境中也能始终保持专业的态度
  • Asking Questions - You're always the one to ask 'Why?“你被驱使着确保我们总是以最有效的方式朝着正确的目标工作
  • Decision Making - You make decisions based on evidence, and you're able to keep a cool, logical head with the best interests of the client, project and delivery team in mind
  • Embracing change -你相信总会有更好的方法,并能自信地适应变化,同时保持对预算的控制, timelines, quality & relationships
  • Self Organisation - 你是一个积极主动的人,对自己的日程安排和工作量负责,知道什么时候该委派别人
  • Self Awareness -你对自己的能力和观点很自信,但总是愿意从错误中吸取教训, hear new ideas and take constructive criticism
  • Attention to Detail -你不会让事情溜走,珍惜那些能带来大不同的额外的小事情
  • Team Player - You are a team player - you can collaborate to achieve shared goals. 你不会被自我所驱使,也不会害怕超越自己的职责范围去完成任务
  • Resilience -你可以处理不同的观点,主动客观地控制具有挑战性的情况,但知道何时寻求帮助
  • Always learning -每天都是上学的日子,你总是在寻找机会学习和与他人分享你的知识


我们明亮通风的办公室就在全球最大的博彩平台北区的中心,步行即可到达所有主要的火车, tram and bus stations and, though we are a remote-first organisation, 如果WFH不适合你,这个空间可以用于协作或作为工作基地. 我们根据经验提供有竞争力的薪水,并让你选择在Mac或PC上工作.

There is other great benefits you will have access to too such as:

  • Flexible working hours
  • Enhanced maternity and parental leave package
  • 28天假期,并可通过工资牺牲计划购买最多5天假期
  • Paid sick, emergency and compassionate leave
  • Company pension
  • 骑车上班计划和其他工资牺牲计划提供了税收有效的方式来支付停车费, gym memberships and more…
  • Paid volunteering leave
  • Childcare vouchers
  • Eye care vouchers
  • Access to training, 具备参加相关会议和社交活动的能力
  • A staff perks package offering money off high street and online shopping, technology, motoring, travel, food, experiences and popular attractions

You can also opt-in to the 9-day fortnight scheme. This means you compress your working fortnight into 9 days instead of 10, giving you every other Friday off. That's an extra 26 days off per year!

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