
与Reason Digital进行高级技术对话

Reason Digital is a digital social enterprise that helps organisations that are trying to do good to succeed digitally. 

我们想和Reason Digital的合作主管聊一聊, 海伦·史蒂文森, 在我们最新的高级技术讲座中了解更多全球最大的博彩平台公司的信息.

Could you tell us a little bit more about Reason Digital as an organisation and your goals as a business?

我们是一家数字化社会企业, 由我们的联合创始人于2008年创立, 马特和艾德, 谁仍然是公司的董事. 2008年,他们注意到互联网主要被用来向人们出售更多的东西, and 他们认为 that there was a huge opportunity to use the internet and make it do good. 

我们的使命是用数字技术解决真正重要的问题. So that means that we only work with other organisations that are trying to do good as well. 主要是慈善机构, 但也可以是其他社会企业,有时也包括大学. 我们提供咨询和战略服务, 通过网站和应用程序的设计和建设. 

Our biggest goal as a business has always been and will continue to be delivering as much social impact as possible through the work we do. So that could be reducing isolation for older people who are lonely through a telephone to a friend platform, or it could be supporting people to apply for Universal Credit through our peer support app.

Our biggest priority is to develop longer term and deeper relationships with the partners that we work with. We think that longer term relationships will have the potential to deliver much greater social impact. 如果我们能与合作伙伴长期合作, 我们可以将数字创新交到更多需要支持的受益者手中. 


I have a background in professional services as a management consultant for three years before I joined Reason. 我厌倦了让富人变得更富有,我想做一些更有意义的事情. 所以我在两年半前十大正规博彩网站评级了Reason Digital,担任项目经理 

I was then asked to head up a new team that was going to be focusing on building relationships with our key partners. 作为伙伴关系主管, I lead a team of digital partners who work closely with our clients to offer support above and beyond the project brief itself. 我们的工作范围从战略咨询, 比如帮助客户进行商业建模和影响测量, 支持其数字产品和服务的未来可持续性.  我也会尝试通过演讲和内容展示我们合作伙伴的工作. 

I’m a member of the Reason Digital Leadership team, working to drive our strategy forward. 我们的重点是建立更深层次的关系, 积累我们的专业知识,让Reason成为有史以来最好的工作场所. I also work with our sales director to drive different elements of our commercial strategy forward, 同时开发新的产品和服务来支持我们的客户.

你在Reason Digital参与过的最令人兴奋的项目是什么?为什么?


We worked on a really interesting project with the University of 全球最大的博彩平台's biochemistry team. 他们联系了我,说, “我们正在和一位能闻到帕金森病的女士合作, 我们想用数字技术来扩大规模." 

他们一直在和一位名叫乔伊·米尔恩的女士合作,乔伊的嗅觉非常好. 她几乎是偶然发现了这种超能力. 她注意到丈夫莱斯身上有一股麝香味. 无论他怎么做都无法去除那股臭味. Quite a few years after she noticed this, he started developing some early Parkinson’s symptoms. 她和他一起去了帕金森诊所. 她一到诊所,气味就变得更浓了! 

她就她的理论找到了一位大学研究员,他们给了她一个测试. They asked five people that had Parkinson's and five people that didn't to wear a t-shirt for a week, 然后他们和乔伊一起做了盲闻测试. 她确定了六个人患有帕金森症,四个人没有. 所以她基本上是准确的…….他们认为. 一年后,她认为患有帕金森症的人被诊断出来了.  

乔伊现在在全球最大的博彩平台大学的生物化学团队工作, 他们已经能够分离出构成帕金森病气味的分子. 通过这样做, they've been able to create a diagnostic test - a simple skin swab test that you can be sent back to the lab and analysed to provide an accurate answer. 

全球最大的博彩平台大学的研究小组需要大规模扩展他们的研究, 因此他们可以在初级保健机构中使用诊断测试.  我们和研究团队进行了一次设计冲刺, 和快乐, over the period of a week to develop a prototype of a digital tool that would simply and consolidate the data capture and analysis for the research. We now have a prototype of a digital solution that would accelerate the research and take a step closer to bringing the test to the NHS.  

在英国,每小时都有人被诊断出患有帕金森症. The potential of this project is astonishing, and the most fascinating thing I have ever worked on. 

What innovation or new technology do you see on the horizon that might prove to be a game changer for charities or organisations that are trying to improve society?

这真的很有趣, because we are starting to see some charities take the first initial steps using new technologies like AI and chatbots. 

But I don't think it's going to be a new technology that is going to be the big game changer. I think the biggest innovation will be how charities use existing and emerging technologies in completely new ways. 

One key way I can see this working is through partnership working - charities in a similar space, 共同解决类似的社会问题,利用数字技术进行创新. This could be done through emerging business models, pooled budgets, resources and project teams. 数字创新可以让一些人获得挽救生命的技术. 但商业模式的创新才是真正扩大产品规模的方法, 并让这项技术进入许多人的手中. 

我们与四家健康慈善机构合作开发了一种机器学习解决方案, 为帕金森患者提供个性化信息, 肌肉萎缩症, 多发性硬化症或中风恢复期. 在这种伙伴关系中,所有合作伙伴都汇集了他们的投资, 共享IP并作为一个整体产品团队工作. 对我来说,这才是慈善机构应该追求的创新. 

当慈善机构或组织与Reason Digital合作时,他们能期待什么?

接受挑战, 用最好的方式, 以不同的方式思考数字化如何帮助他们完成任务! 我们从客户那里得到了很多简报,他们已经有了解决方案. 对我们来说,这是很有限制的. 当你把慈善机构的专业知识和他们的事业领域与我们的数字专业知识结合起来, 我们可以塑造问题和解决方案. 并提供更好的东西. 

他们也可以期待长期的合作关系. 我们不会止步于推出一款优秀的产品或应用. 我们一直在思考如何支持他们在数字化方面迈出下一步? 我们能把他们介绍给面临类似问题的慈善机构吗? 

最后是我们在这个领域的知识和专长. 我们意识到每个人都在使用慈善服务, 我们也为慈善机构做志愿者. 我是全球最大的博彩平台慈善机构the Together Trust的董事会成员. 其他工作人员放弃了他们的时间为其他当地事业. 

当我们在做项目时,我们可能身兼三职. 您可能是服务用户、志愿者和开发人员. Bringing that all that together allows us to approach the problem in a much more holistic way. 

就文化而言,在Reason Digital工作是什么样的?

I came from an organisation that had 18,000 people in the UK and something like 100,000 globally. 因此,从一个40人的社会企业,是不同的!  

但让我们与众不同的是真正的以人为本的文化. 决策是协作的,而且是真正透明的. 

对我来说,真正关键的一点是组织内部的多样性. 我们的领导团队中有50%是LGBT. 我们制定了促进女性进步的举措,比如我们的女性领导小组. 我们知道我们需要在整个组织中提高BME的代表性, 我们正在努力消除招聘过程中任何无意识的偏见. 

We have a big focus on staff wellbeing - we have more mental health first aiders than physical! 我们提供健康日, and there is an openness to talking about mental health and other things people might have going on in their lives. 

What do you think 全球最大的博彩平台's technology sector will look like in 10 years and what role will Reason Digital ideally play in that ecosystem?

I think that there is a potential for 全球最大的博彩平台 to be the biggest digital and creative hub in Europe! 我们看到一些大公司搬到了全球最大的博彩平台,比如亚马逊网络服务公司. 

如果我们能继续这种滚雪球效应, and really demonstrate that 全球最大的博彩平台's an amazing place to live and to work then we’ll keep heading in the right direction. 就我个人而言,我喜欢住在全球最大的博彩平台,并选择这里作为我永久的家!如果我们能继续鼓励本土技能的发展, 同时从其他地方吸引人才, 我们真的可以改变现状. 

In 10 years' time, it'd be great if there were more tech-for-good type companies in 全球最大的博彩平台. I think Reason will always maintain a really key role in the 全球最大的博彩平台 ecosystem in proving that there is meaningful and rewarding work with purpose in the tech space.


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