
What we're doing to support Black colleagues and address racism

A screen shot of Kelsey Williams blog post for DfE Digital on the GOV.英国博客页面


I am a British woman born to Bangladeshi students in Birmingham. It is easy for me to empathise with the struggle of being a minority. 我对种族歧视的辱骂很熟悉,我错过了很多机会,只是因为我的名字太难念了.

However, I am not at the bottom of the economic ladder. I’m not Black, nor do I share the Black experience. But I have a responsibility as a colleague, 我的一个朋友, and as a representative of the south-Asian community, to hold the mic up to Black people.

在乔治·弗洛伊德死后的几个星期里,我问我的黑人朋友们感觉如何, and how their employers had reacted. 我还查看了DfE数字化和转型部门,看看已经启动了哪些工作来解决种族主义问题.

Black people are exhausted

I asked my Black peers how long-standing violence against Black people, coupled with recent tragic events, had affected them. Here’s what some of them said.

“这让人筋疲力尽。. People are so de-sensitised to the issue.”

“We’re losing our lives but change seems near impossible.”

“I have cried so much, my tear ducts are dry.”

“I have decided to take a break. Anything and everything makes me cry.”

英国的黑人被黑人死亡的消息和随之而来的抗议淹没了. 他们不得不一边吸收新闻,一边向同伴解释为什么改变如此重要,这让他们精神枯竭.

There is a life-long strain too

This level of exhaustion is not new. 在这之前,我从小就经历了挑战、侮辱和不公正. 以下是黑人在英国面临的一些共同经历:

  • being stop-searched as a child
  • being unable to find products or services for their skin, body and hair
  • needing to check how racist a country is before booking a holiday
  • being dismissed by some politicians
  • being asked to pay before you eat at a restaurant
  • 需要在求职申请中付出更多的努力,这可能会受到歧视
  • 因为长得像社会对罪犯的描述而被错误地逮捕,甚至可能被杀害

The list goes on, and it is a burden.

Organisations differed in how they responded 

世界上最大的两个媒体报道——冠状病毒和乔治·弗洛伊德去世后的抗议活动——同时发生, I checked with Black friends (who work outside DfE), if this had been recognised in their workplaces.


“Contacting the leadership team was awkward. I know I could damage my career and sound problematic, just by speaking up. 工作 are being cut, as it is. 我必须在我的事业和代表我自己的人民之间做出选择——这是一个不可能完成的任务, it’s a lose-lose.”

他说:“我问我的首席执行官,他们是否可以写一封信给公司里的黑人, but they said they want to be ‘politically neutral’”

“When managers hire us, they also take on our struggles and baggage. 他们希望从多元化的劳动力中获益,但又没有做好做好工作的准备.”

“I emailed my boss to ask what kind of support the company would give me. Their reply was just a copy-paste answer from their diversity policy.”

经历了一生歧视的人已经学会了忍受自己的愤怒. It often gets buried. And when a video of a Black man being killed was beamed across the world, yet again people were deeply hurt.


Black people need organisations to make genuine change

组织可以通过很多方式来支持他们的黑人员工和更广泛的黑人社区. 这可以包括提供心理健康支持和资助支持族裔社区的举措, to a higher level, co-ordinated approach to addressing systemic racism.

What DfE Digital is doing 

自从我开始起草这篇文章来回应抗议活动以来,DfE Digital发生了很多事情. 同事们立即腾出时间和空间来承认和倾听黑人同事的感受, what they’d experienced and what they needed from everyone else.

Here are some of the things going on right now. Some are small scale, some more strategic. 现在还为时尚早,但这是一个真正的开始,可以着手解决种族主义问题,并做出根深蒂固的改变.

Listening closely and learning

我们所有人都听过黑人同事分享种族主义对他们和他们家庭的影响, and how coronavirus has impacted their lives.

每个人都参加了一个探索“白”的会议,以帮助认识到作为白人的优势. 黑人和有色人种在大多数意识会议上一直处于领先地位,但我们的目标是让白人同事承担更多这类工作.


我们计划了一些活动日,让大家讨论种族问题,以及如何深入打击种族主义. 为了向前迈进,我们所需要的艰难转变正在发生.

出版 内容

We published Kelsey Williams’ excellent blog post ‘Black lives are at stake’. 这也是 featured on GOV.UK.

为了保持对话的进行,我们的社区团队分享了主题和有用的播客链接, 文章, TV programmes and YouTube videos in our digital notes and newsletters.


Improving our recruitment process

In the DfE Digital Recruitment team we now have an acute focus on race.


黑人和白人面试小组成员通常不得不放弃不成比例的时间,以使小组更加多样化. 我们已经建立了焦点小组来探索这对这些人的影响,并思考我们如何做得不同.

我们想听听Black和BAME的同事们过去是如何为他们的团队招募人才的. Focus groups are taking place to gather insight to help improve the process.

我们现在使用 Textio to help us compose jargon-free interview questions and job adverts. (Civil Service words and phrases can easily put people off applying for roles.)


Planning ahead and taking action

In DfE Digital and Transformation we’ve set up a race 工作小组.

我们正在加强与黑人和黑人数字和技术团体之间已经建立的联系. We do not want these relationships to be tokenistic. 我们想要一个真正有效的渠道,通过它,黑人可以成功地申请DfE Digital的职位.

These initiatives are just a start. 总的来说,全球最大的博彩平台如何最好地解决种族、少数民族和多数民族问题,我们还有很多需要学习的地方.

如果你想了解更多全球最大的博彩平台在DfE Digital为解决种族主义所做的事情, please get in touch 

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