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In The Hive - With Sharon Latham!

我们很幸运地与备受追捧的莎伦·莱瑟姆进行了对话,为我们的“In the Hive”编辑. Sharon是一位著名的摄影师,也是app -的首席执行官和联合创始人 The Selfie Guide. The app encourages a new way of discovering places, capturing the best images and putting an end to selfie fails. 这是一个非常有趣和令人兴奋的项目,Beeta很荣幸能够协助. 沙龙最近还举办了一场非常成功的摄影展, Noel Gallagher and The High Flying Birds, 展示乐队全球巡演的独家图片.

What made you go into photography?

我爸爸是一位热心的风景摄影师,周末我们会一起出去玩, just me and him, and go drive to beautiful rural locations to take photos. 我坐在他的暗房里看着他冲洗照片,我觉得这很神奇,我喜欢这样! Unfortunately, he died when I was 8 and I was obviously heartbroken, I inherited his 35mm camera and that was it. I simply haven’t really ever had a time in my life when I’ve not taken pictures, from the age of 8 it’s been a part of me. 我会在生日和圣诞节时得到胶卷或显影券,以确保我能继续我的爱好.  It’s a massive part of who I am and my identity, 我非常非常幸运,这是我的事业,因为它不像一份工作.

What’s next for The Selfie Guide?

The app is due to expand its locations to give the user more choice of destinations to choose from; plus, 我们将提供一个盈利方案,使我们能够改进应用的技术方面.  盈利将以大型组织的赞助和应用内广告的形式进行,但要以对用户有利的方式进行. The user is always key in our mind, 他们的体验和应用程序的工作方式将永远是我们的首要任务.


我被Beeta在应用市场的经验以及他们与每个客户的紧密合作所震撼.  I find their staff incredibly easy to work with and they always talked through and listened to every part of what I wanted; I felt my app was a part of their business and not just another project they are working on. 

多年来,技术对摄影产生了重大影响, 您希望在未来看到哪些功能?

Camera Tech changes on a month by month basis, 一架相机或一件设备过时的速度之快令人难以置信.  我很高兴看到无反光镜相机市场现在有了如此大的发展, 这使得像我这样的专业摄影师可以使用比一些更笨重的老式设备要好得多的相机.  My camera bag now weighs a lot less than in the past 相信我,当你不得不背着一大堆装备到处跑的时候,你的背会不高兴的! I also love the advances in mobile cameras, 让每个人都有机会在他们的口袋里有一个专业风格的镜头. I love snapping images on the fly with my phone.


我从来没有想过我会和我曾经共事过又共事过的一些人一起工作. If you had said this to my younger self I would have laughed. I never take for granted the work I do, 我经常会掐一下自己,因为我有一些客户是多么幸运. 我很高兴还能拿起相机拍摄照片, the celebs are an added bonus to an already amazing job.


I always say the same thing, TAKE PICTURES. 每天出去走走,用你的相机或手机拍照.  Practicing the craft is vital, 如果你想以摄影为职业,确定你喜欢什么类型的摄影是很重要的.  I love doing the sort of photography I do, 哪些主要是与人有关的,但其他人可能更喜欢景观或建筑摄影或医疗或时尚. 没有练习和弄清楚如何做基本的,你永远不会知道. So snap away, take pics and enjoy what you do. 尽可能多地了解你的相机是做什么的,以及它是如何做到的,这样它就会成为你的一部分.

最近你的作品在诺埃尔·加拉格尔和高飞鸟展览中展出, do you have plans for more gallery events in the future?

I do have a couple of other exhibition ideas, not just with Noel Gallagher but with some of my other clients. Although, 在“高飞鸟”展览成功之后,我确实想过几年我可能会和诺埃尔再做一次展览. Hopefully I will still be working with him, who knows. 

这些年来,我很幸运地与世界上一些最好的摄影师合作,我会把莎伦放在第一位. At its best a photograph should speak. What are the pictures saying? They are saying: We – NGHFB – have the best job in the world. 和这些人一起工作、玩耍、旅行和聚会绝对是一种乐趣. I’m so happy that Big Shaz was there to capture these moments.”

– Noel Gallagher

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