
心理健康 & 工作场所的幸福感:hackajob

全球最大的博彩平台的数字 are marketing 心理健康 Awareness Week 2021 (10th - 16th May) by highlighting some of the fantastic work being doing by the North West's digital and tech businesses.

我们采访了一些技术人才专家 hackajob 了解他们是如何支持员工的, what initiatives they've put in place and how successful they've been.

How does your business go about supporting your employee’s mental health and promoting wellbeing?

在hackajob,员工的健康和幸福是最重要的. Something that some of our teams have implemented is a ‘walking stand up’ where instead of sitting on Zoom and chatting through team priorities, 团队外出散步,同时彼此讨论任务. We’re also encouraged to down tools and take a break whenever needed. 我们还获得了额外的一天带薪休假, called ‘the annual hackajob bank holiday’ where we were all given extra time to unwind and relax after a year of working from home.

We’re also going to be undertaking some mindfulness sessions which are available 致全体员工 – we can’t wait to get started!

Are there any measures that you have put in place over the past year in order to protect and support your employee’s mental health following the move to remote working?

我们的创始人之一 & 首席执行官马克对员工的心理健康充满热情. 在hackajob, we’re encouraged to put time in his diary if we’d like to talk to him about anything at all and our Head of HR and Operations, 埃琳娜, 在我们需要的时候随时待命. We’ve also been sent gifts and treats in order keep morale high. We’ve also implemented several virtual social clubs, including an exercise club. We have a hackajob step count competition on Strava which is fantastic!

你使用什么特定的工具吗, platforms or software in order to support and promote mental health and wellbeing, 你找到他们有多成功?

We receive daily reminders messages via Slack in order to try a new app or listen to a piece of relaxing music or try a new exercise class. These little reminders help to cut through the noise and encourage you to take a step back from work.

What support is available to your employees who may be struggling?

Our CEO is incredibly supportive and offers one-on-one sessions with anyone who’d like to chat to him about anything – work or personal. We have weekly 1-2-1’s with our line managers (as well as daily check-ins).

Are there any ways that your company culture encourages healthy habits amongst your workforce?

在办公室的时候, 健康早餐是议程的一部分,并提供, 完全免费, 致全体员工.

还有这个, we have the hackajob fitness club where we are encouraged to keep fit with any activities that we personally choose to do. 

你的员工有哪些主动性或额外津贴, and how important do you think these are in the promotion of mental wellbeing?

We can order our own ergonomic furniture for our remote working and we’re also able to work remotely from anywhere in the world for 2 months of the year.

How do you ensure your employees achieve a healthy work/life balance?

We have weekly virtual coffee dates with employees across the organisation, 以及定期与我们的首席执行官会面.

How do you measure the success of mental health or wellbeing programmes?

We ask for regular feedback from employees – this is both available anonymised and face-to-face. We implement changes whenever they are needed – this is really important to us.

What differences have you seen since implementing workplace wellbeing initiatives (e.g. performance, staff feedback, employee retention, satisfaction scores etc)?

我们对员工的福利采取非正式的方式, however we have seen performance go through the roof as a result of working from home and us implementing more flexible changes. 在hackajob, we haven’t really been affected by the pandemic and our sales have certainly increased! 满意度得分也有所上升.

What advice would you have for startups or small businesses who may not have any mechanisms in place currently to support their employees?

鼓励你的员工放下工具, get outside and get some fresh air – this is more important than you may think. 除此之外, don’t forget to thank your teams as they have been working for you throughout a global pandemic – not a mean feat. Remember to organise check-ins, socials, activities and make sure that everyone is included.

要了解更多全球最大的博彩平台hackajob的信息, 点击这里

If you're a 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 member and would like to share your organisation's approach to mental health & wellbeing, or would like to take part in future features, please email thom@wargamecn.net.

