

十大正规博彩网站评级Made Tech之前,我是负责送货的. Back then, I worked closely with a business analyst who went on to become a delivery manager. 在新岗位上工作了几周后,他们给我发了信息; “我从来没有意识到你做了这么多!” One of the frustrating parts of a delivery manager’s role is that while we know how much value we’re adding, it’s not always obvious or visible – even to the people we collaborate with regularly.

客户有时觉得他们不需要送货经理. 也就是说,直到他们喝完一杯然后离开. 有句老话说得好 “直到失去,你才知道你曾经拥有过什么” 我想到了. Teams that haven’t worked with a delivery manager before might struggle to see our value. 我们所做的工作往往被少数人看到,但被许多人感受到.

Making sure we drive delivery while empowering the team is a tricky balance to explain. In this post I’ll shed some light on just some of the tasks your friendly delivery manager does.


建立一个高绩效的团队听起来很容易,对吧? Bringing a bunch of highly skilled people together to work toward one common goal. They’ll seamlessly work together to solve problems and showcase excellent levels of communication and collaboration while delivering consistent results. 但这并不那么容易. 

而高绩效的团队受到投资者和科技巨头的重视, 创建这种类型的统一团队是一项艰巨的任务. Especially when our working environments are constantly changing and adapting to new technologies and ways of working. 

Building (and nurturing) successful teams means recognising people’s individual strengths and grouping those who’ll collaborate well together. 作为交付经理,我们花时间认识到不同的人才, 技能和属性是相辅相成的. A wonderful mixture of abilities helps create a force that can overcome challenges and meet goals. And although this can seem like a daunting challenge, the pay-offs far outweigh the effort.


一位资深的航天项目经理曾经说过; “If you can’t take the time to get to know who your stakeholders are and learn what they want, 那你做这份工作的目的是什么?” 

Our role as delivery managers (as the name suggests) means we deliver the work that stakeholders want us to. 现在, 如果你不认真对待这部分, you’re setting yourself up to fail because ultimately the stakeholders are your final judges. 

At the start of the project the main things we need to tease out of our stakeholders are what we call the golden triangle. In delivery terms, this is the high-level scope requirements and quality, time and cost constraints. 但我们也需要了解所有其他高层的需求, 可能影响规划的需求和限制.

其中一个具体的部分是真正理解他们对工作的愿景, 他们是怎么看的. It’s worth noting here that it’s not unusual to sometimes disagree with their opinions —and that’s okay. 但首先,你需要理解它们. 

One of the most important tasks we do as delivery managers is to clearly define and document project objectives. Getting these things in writing early and signed off by stakeholders means we formally know what the delivery is about. Not doing this leaves the door wide open for misunderstandings and mismatched expectations.


Facilitation is the act of engaging people in creating, discovering and collaborating. 与我们向观众传递内容的演示文稿相反, 疏导通常包括一个“旁边的向导”。. 作为交付经理,我们承担着向导的角色——我们提出问题, 温和的讨论, 介绍活动,帮助参与者学习.

便利化已经远远超出了它的传统形象. It’s no longer about someone standing at the front of the room guiding a group of people through processes. It’s also no longer just about decision making, conflict resolution or team building. 便利化有了新的面貌. 

The skills we now use for facilitation are those we also need in our everyday lives. 比如帮助我们在对话中更敏捷的沟通方式, 从不同的话题和吸引人. 在今天这个分裂的世界, 我们越来越意识到要以开放的方式参与对话, 而不是关闭它. 

Effective facilitation means recognising different perspectives and skills to create an inclusive environment where everyone can contribute. 讨论是主动学习的强大机制. A well-facilitated discussion allows everyone to explore new ideas while recognising and valuing the contribution of others.


决策有时感觉就像一个神奇的神秘过程, 但把它看作一门科学会有所帮助. 如果你的团队在集体决策方面遇到困难, 安慰自己,你并不孤单. 

并非每个决定都需要深入考虑. 根据帕金森定律, 组织将过多的时间花在次要决策上, 而不是专注于重要的事情. One undervalued skill of a delivery manager is encouraging which choices to deliberate over as a group, 而不是快速做出来的. 不用说,这将节省团队的时间和资源.


项目中的摩擦并不罕见, 但当它导致生产力问题时,它可能是有害的. 例如,在软件供应链中偶尔会出现摩擦. There’s a lot of work involved in creating applications that can move across environments, 涉及到很多不同的人. 调整和调整所有依赖关系需要时间和技巧, 典型应用程序中的配置和库. And any friction can affect the huge amount of productivity needed to get this all done. 但这不仅仅是在it软件领域. 人际摩擦也是一个原因. I’m sure everyone reading this has experienced some kind of workplace politics throughout their careers. 

在公司内部,记住这一点很重要, 我们都朝着同一个目标努力——为我们的客户创造价值. 交付经理鼓励安全的反馈循环, 明确目标,帮助每个人在门口检查自我,以减少摩擦. All of these create the conditions for efficient operations which increases productivity and the best possible outcomes. 


Paisley Laurenzio tells us that it’s easy for people in different disciplines to unconsciously work in silos. Different points of view can mean one team is working toward different goals – not ideal. 我在过去的项目中确实经历过这种情况, 结果是沮丧和浪费了很多时间.

在团队中, designers are often the voice of the user and they advocate for the best experience possible. Product management needs to make sure the business and vision of the project are communicated and priorities are correct. 开发人员从技术的角度来看待如何最好地构建产品. 

那么我们如何把这些优秀的技术人员聚集在一起? 由交付经理提供支持, the team can work together to identify the problem and contribute to a solution. 协作是关键. 一个有凝聚力的团队是一个自信的团队. 真正的合作有助于我们实现同一个目标, 哪一种方法可以节省大量调整和重新调整的时间. 


I’m sure any delivery manager reading this will agree it’s not an exhaustive list of our responsibilities. But it sheds just a light on some of the things we have to consider on a daily basis. 

交付不仅仅是管理待办事项或创建路线图. It’s so much more than that, it’s an art that can add essential value to a team. 提醒我的送货经理同事们. You may not always be able to pinpoint every task where you’re making an impact, but remember that there’s great value in the invisible work you’re doing every day.

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