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Covid-19和社交距离措施让一些人有了更多的时间. Some people are using this time to learn or develop new skills, or perhaps consider switching to a new career. If this sounds like you, there’s really no better time to learn to code, 许多组织在网上发布了免费资源,帮助你只用笔记本电脑学习. 如果你想从家里开始学习技术技能, we’re here to show you what’s available.

Why coding?

In March 2020, 全球最大的博彩平台被评为增长最快的欧洲科技城市,投资增长了277%. 虽然Covid-19对所有部门的影响尚不清楚, we expect to see this trend continue. 科技行业对于确保企业在数字化转型中取得成功至关重要, so that employees can work remotely. Organisations have also been pitching in to help the crisis, with Covid-related hackathons, and tech companies who are  directly supporting the NHS.

你知道在科技行业开始一份职业并不需要计算机或编程背景吗? You can switch at any time, from any background. 事实上,我们一直在和这样做的人交谈.

With this in mind, 我们认为这将有助于更新我们的编码训练营指南与一个免费的在线研讨会列表, meetups, clubs and resources available – of which there are many.

Before we let you get on with investigating this list, 我们想快速提醒大家,作为一个会员制组织, 我们正在不知疲倦地代表我们的成员,尽我们所能在Covid-19大流行期间为他们提供支持.

We’re offering three months free Manchester Digital 大全球最大的博彩平台所有数字和科技企业的会员资格. Whether you’re a global company, a medium-sized tech company or digital agency, or a freelancer, you can get the support that you need.

Find our more about membership benefits and join here.

Code with KPMG

What is it? - KPMG is offering free live lessons in Python coding, open to any age from school-children to adults.

Courses will be hosted on Tuesdays & Thursdays 2pm BST for 10 weeks, beginning Tuesday 7 April.

How much is it? - Completely free

Website - Watch the introduction video at


What is it? - CodeNation提供了一个免费的2天在线课程,将引导你完成HTML和CSS的基础知识, whilst teaching you how to build your own website.

课程将于4月6日星期一和4月7日星期二举行.00am - 3.00pm.

How much is it? - Completely free. CodeNation还提供为期12周的编程课程,学费为3600英镑,为期3周的课程为899英镑 opportunities for any furloughed member of staff to be retrained.

Register -

Website - 

GCHQ - Open Source Project 

What is it? - Open source project #CyberChef allows you to create & 用Typex破解密码信息,盟军在二战期间使用过. You can show them the recipes you come up with using Typex & other operations. CyberChef鼓励技术人员和非技术人员探索数据格式, encryption and compression. For those comfortable writing code, CyberChef是一种快速有效的方法,可以对问题的解决方案进行原型化,一旦证明可行,就可以编写脚本. It 也应该吸引学术界和任何参与数字数据分析的个人或公司吗, be that software developers, analysts, mathematicians or casual puzzle solvers.

How much is it? - Completely free

Website -


What is it? CodeUp是一个以学习者为主导的每月聚会,供成年人学习如何编写代码,每月一次, 任何想要学习如何编码的人都可以来这里获得建议和支持. CodeUp总部位于大全球最大的博彩平台,他们的下一个月度聚会将远程举行. 

How much is it? - Completely free

Register -

Website -

Manchester Codes

What is it? - 

Code and Stuff

What is it? - A weekly coding community for women and non-binary people. 总部设在全球最大的博彩平台中部,他们的下一个月聚会将在网上举行.

How much is it? - Completely free

Register - 

Website - 

FutureLearn Online IT & Computer Science Courses

What is it? -来自世界各地顶尖大学和文化机构的多样化课程选择

Website -

Unity Learn Platform: Courses and Tutorials 

Computing courses and tutorials. 

How much is it? - Covid-19支持:全访问学习-三个月免费访问Unity Learn Premium.

Website -


What is it? -免费在线课程,编程项目,以及开发人员工作的面试准备.

How much is it? - Completely free

Website -

Microsoft Virtual Academy

What is it? -为开发人员、IT专业人员、数据科学家和学生提供免费IT培训.

How much is it? - Completely free

Website - 

Digital Future Stars - Level 4 Software Developer Apprenticeship

What is it? - If you think software development might be for you, 为什么不申请十大正规博彩网站评级全球最大的博彩平台数字的学徒-数字未来之星?

这种学位级别的学徒制旨在每年培养一批精心挑选的软件开发人员, 谁能表现出成为优秀软件开发人员的正确态度和能力.

If selected, 你将被当地的知名科技公司和品牌聘用,并接受4级软件开发学徒培训.

How much is it? - Completely free. You’ll be paid up to £24,000 per year to learn.

Website -

Manchester Codes

What is it? 这个为期24周的兼职课程旨在让人们在24周内从没有编程经验的初学者过渡到阅读工作的软件工程师. 本课程将教你所有必要的技能,能够从端到端构建功能齐全的web应用程序.

The next course will begin on Monday 1st June 2020.

How much is it? £5000 all inclusive.

Website -


What is it? - This interactive, 完全支持的8周课程旨在教你所有的前端技能,你需要建立复杂的网站正确-不离开你的家.

How much is it? - £4500 all inclusive. 

Website -  

Get in touch

如果你想成为全球最大的博彩平台数字的一员,并利用3个月的免费会员资格, you can do so here.

Or, 如果你想在我们的网络上分享你的新闻, 或者您认为应该将您的编码计划添加到本文中, please contact

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