
Done well, employee surveys have the benefit of capturing written feedback as well as data. 它们是创造员工声音的绝佳方式.


Putting a numerical value on engagement allows you to track trends and changes in engagement over time. You can then understand in more detail the impact that the changes you make in the organisation have on engagement.

The surveys should be kept brief and contain only the questions that would elicit the best responses from the staff.

为您提供数据点和书面答复, we advise using a variety of scaled questions (0–10) with a few written feedback questions also. This will allow your team to finish the survey in a reasonable amount of time and give them the opportunity to provide comments that are more in-depth.

💡 Aim to keep the number of questions on your employee survey around 12-20. Better data quality and response rates will result from doing this as people won’t lose interest.



We recommend that you ask questions that fit in with the 4 engagement pillars, to ensure that you are exploring a number of different areas that contribute to employee engagement.


💡当一个公司带着目标领导时,员工就会 78%的可能性 想要在那家公司工作.

When employees feel connected to the mission of the company, their engagement improves significantly. 他们在工作中找到意义和目的, knowing that their efforts contribute to something larger than themselves. 


  1. “我为(在我的公司)工作感到自豪。”

  2. “我知道如何为(公司的)目标做出贡献。”

  3. “Day to day actions taken are consistent with the vision, mission, and values of [my company]”

  4. “我会推荐(我的公司)作为一个很棒的工作场所。”

  5. “我相信我在(公司)有发言权。”



💡As many As 57%的员工 因为老板辞职. The strength of your leadership team makes a huge difference to the culture and success of your teams.

A great leader inspires and motivates their team members, earning their trust and respect. 它们提供了明确的方向, 指导, 和支持, allowing employees to perform their best and reach their full potential. 


  1. “我的领导会设定明确的目标和方向。”

  2. “我的领导支持我的个人发展”

  3. “我的领导提高了我们团队的绩效”

  4. “我的领导重视我的贡献。”

  5. “我可以和我的领导谈谈我的任何担忧。”



💡 74%的员工 say that a lack of professional development is preventing them from reaching their full potential.

Employee engagement improves when employees feel fulfilled in their role. When individuals find their work meaningful and aligned with their values, 他们有动力把时间和精力投入到工作中, 超越自己去实现目标. 


  1. “The commitments I have outside of work are respected at [my company]”

  2. “(在我的公司),认可是公平的。”

  3. “我致力于在(我的公司)发展我的事业。”

  4. “我觉得自己在(公司)的角色很有挑战性。”

  5. “我得到了成功所需的所有培训和支持。”



💡 组织s that trust 和支持 their employees increase their employee engagement by 76%.

The highest-performing teams have one thing in common: psychologically safe workplaces. 

Psychologically safe workplaces promote healthier, more productive and more inclusive workforces. They also provide the environment in which innovation can thrive and people can perform at their best.



  1. “我觉得在(我的公司)得到了很好的支持。”

  2. “我们(在我的公司)拥有多元化的文化。”

  3. “我在(我的公司)的健康和安全得到了充分考虑。”

  4. “(我的公司)真的很关心我的心理健康。”

  5. “我觉得我真正属于(我的公司)。”



It’s important to get written feedback from your employees as well. 

Make sure you have at least one written question which covers each area. You’ll then have honest quotes that you can share with your leadership team. 

We find we get better quality feedback when we ask for very targeted written feedback, rather than just a generic “use this space for additional comments”.


  1. “What more could [my company] do to help you feel informed about the organisation and the contribution you can make?”

  2. “What more can your leader at [my company] do to support you in your day to day work?”

  3. “What would make you more likely to recommend [my company] as a great place to work?”

  4. “(我的公司)能做些什么来帮助你更热爱你的工作??”



💡 74%的员工 说如果他们是真的,他们愿意提供更多的反馈 匿名

One of the first topics that comes up when an organisation decides to do an employee engagement survey is utilising a third party company. 

那么使用an的优点是什么呢 员工调查平台 执行你的调查? 

  1. The best questions are those written with the aid of a third-party viewpoint. An expert, outside perspective will be most helpful to leadership and HR teams. These questions can be written in a neutral way and make the most of the insight you capture. 

  2. For anonymity and trust, using a third-party 员工调查平台 is crucial. It makes the survey-taking experience for employees as psychologically safe as possible. It might be challenging for teams to trust their responses are 匿名 when surveys are conducted internally.

  3. A specialised platform can greatly speed up data processing and the time it takes to move from survey 启动行动. 当涉及到分析和传播调查结果, choosing a platform to do the data-crunching for you can be a smart investment. 通常可以节省大量的时间. 


十点空间, 我们帮助组织了解驱动因素, 或者在团队中不积极参与. 我们经常这样做, 定制敬业度调查, 旨在触及文化和参与的核心.

开始您的旅程与我们的高参与通过 保持联系. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our 案例研究.

